What Are the Requirements for Joining Doors and Windows in Mo Se? What Is the Fee for Joining Mo Se?

What are the requirements for joining Mo se doors and windows? Or what conditions are needed to join, and what is the cost of joining Mo se doors and windows? Mo se door and window joining requirements 1. Interior decoration material experience More than 3 years of experience in doors and windows, home decoration and building materials industries 2. Better choice of business district location Be in a "good" elite business circle (such as elegant home, Red Star Macalline, etc.) 3. Abundant credit status Have sufficient fund for building stores, good credit standing and financing ability 4. High brand identity Identify with the brand concept of Mo se and have a strategic mind of sustainable development 5. Have a core management team Set up a complete set of personnel management system from shopping guide to design and installation Mo se door and window investment policies and advantages Eight advantages

century brand accumulation advantage Mo se doors and windows originated from Germany. After nearly a hundred years of inheritance, they have now become the best-selling door and window brands in high-end home decoration and well-known architectural design around the world. Strong operational advantages One-on-one regional guidance escort the "Changsheng Legion" to the store to guide the battle, solve all problems in a timely manner, and ensure that the store generates profits. Abundant resource advantages Mo se headquarters transferred customers brought by network platform, e-commerce platform and new media promotion to franchisees in the region, increasing by number of tourists, thus improving the development space of franchisees. Advantages of professional logistics and service system Mo se has an exclusive customs bonded warehousing and logistics center to ensure the transportation quality and speed of doors and windows. Enhance customers' trust and sense of security, thus enhancing the competitiveness of franchisees. HUGE channel advantages Mo se of the sales network spread all over the world, establishing specialty stores and franchised dealers, more than 100 service terminals at home and abroad, and more than 3,000 technical marketing consultants spread to 26 provinces, cities and more than 300 regions. Advantages of perfect training system In Mo SE, the headquarters will provide the franchisees with systematic training on project operation market expansion, business knowledge, actual operation and other contents, and organize relevant further training regularly during the franchisee operation. High-end technology research and development advantages Mo se top designers all over the world, with high-end talents in domestic and foreign industries, set up professional research and development teams to cooperate with China Academy of architectural sciences and universities, and obtained recognition from authoritative institutions. Rich media promotion advantages On Mo se, it adopted the three-dimensional communication of "sea, land and air", promoted the marketing strategy of hundreds of millions of yuan advertising media, shaped the best-selling brand in the field of high-end customized doors and windows, and formed strategic partners with many domestic media, fully expand the popularity and reputation of Mo se. Mo se doors and windows franchise fee · Franchise fee: Negotiable · Brand equity margin: Negotiable · First purchase gold: 50000-100000 · Description: Brand usage fees paid by franchisees to manufacturers · Note: The credit guarantee of the headquarters is not illegal and can be returned. · Explanation: the sincerity of cooperation between the two sides The above is the basic requirements for joining Mo se doors and windows. Have you understood clearly? If there are any other questions that you do not understand, please call us for information about joining Mo se doors and windows. Edit: doors and windows online-Xiao Bu