Choose a Door and Window to Show You the Poems outside and the Distance!

Choose a door and window to see the poems outside and the distance. Push the window in the city and look far away. What do you see? Is it the busy traffic in the city, the neatly arranged tall buildings, or the rare clouds and blue sky dyed red by the sunset? If you choose a door and window, you can't read the poems outside and the distance, but you can isolate the city from each other. Looking around ten thousand volumes, I have many thoughts, but how to decide is full of sorrow. Come here to buy doors and windows to help you clear and make decisions. The most luxurious decoration in the city is not the famous paintings displayed on the wall, not the artworks in the private storage room, but a simple window through which you can see leaf green and flowers bloom, look at the time series circulation. In leisure time, you can lean against the window to watch the sunset, wait until the shadow is too low on the wall. When it rains, cover the window and listen to the rain. Just the right doors and windows can add a warm color to your life. But now there are many doors and windows enterprises and doors and windows brands. How can you ensure that you choose the right doors and windows yourself? Problems such as "what kind of doors and windows are good doors and windows", "How to choose doors and windows" and "how to judge the quality of doors and windows" have become almost all doubts when consumers buy doors and windows. 选好一扇门窗,能带你去看外面的诗与远方!

Precautions for purchasing doors and windows 1: The performance is good, which can block the wind and rain, and can withstand the pressure.

The wind and rain resistance index of doors and windows is directly related to glass, profiles and hardware. Relevant provisions stipulate that safety glass shall be used for outwards opening window of buildings with 7 floors and more than 7 floors, window glass with an area of more than 1.5 square meters or floor-to-ceiling windows with a bottom edge less than 500mm from the final decoration surface. Safety glass is generally regarded as tempered glass. When this kind of glass is broken by heavy blow, the glass is broken in granular form, which avoids the danger caused by sheet glass splash to human body and minimizes the damage. The quality of profiles directly affects the firmness, sealing performance and durability of doors and windows. According to market research, doors and windows whose profile thickness does not reach the national standard are easily deformed when encountering strong violent impact, at the same time, the glass is broken. In addition, the quality of hardware is not closed and the installation is inappropriate, which is also the main reason why doors and windows fall easily when they are hit by storms. 选好一扇门窗,能带你去看外面的诗与远方!

Precautions for purchasing doors and windows 2: sound insulation effect is good, noise is eliminated, and environmental protection and energy saving are taken into account.

As we all know, the harm of noise is various, which not only causes great interference to people's normal life and work, but also affects people's conversation, thinking and sleep, making people irritable and unresponsive, distraction reduces work efficiency, and can also cause damage to people's hearing and health and even cause accidents. Some experts have shown that high-quality doors and windows can effectively weaken noise, and the advantages and disadvantages of the anti-noise performance of doors and windows depend on whether the sealing performance of the products is excellent. Precautions for purchasing doors and windows 3: beautiful and elegant, with embellishment and home decoration

nowadays, the public has already "abandoned" doors and windows with only a single partition performance, which have high requirements on the style, design and style of doors and windows. Many consumers reflect that a uniform style of home decoration can add color to the home environment and show the owner's high taste. Driven by this market demand, the overall door and window mode with the advantage of "unification of home decoration style" is favored by the market. [This article is reprinted from the public account of sanen. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi