The Era of System Doors and Windows Has Come, Opening a New Trend of Building Energy Conservation

As building energy conservation standards become higher and higher, simple aluminum alloy doors and windows are increasingly inconsistent with energy conservation standards. Energy-saving buildings conforming to the trend are your first choice. System doors and windows are gradually recognized by the market for their superior performance of sound insulation and energy conservation. In China, due to the low level of electricity charges and the thrifty words and deeds of the older generation, there are not a few people who can survive the winter and summer without heating and air conditioning. In the eyes of the older generation, this kind of "behavioral energy conservation", which would rather be saved without using, is indeed much more effective than "building measures energy conservation. However, for young people who require higher and higher quality of life today, it is obvious that this practice is outdated. However, another lifestyle is popular abroad, which does not affect the quality of life and achieves diligence and thrift. Let's see how they enjoy such an energy-saving life? 系统门窗时代已经到来,开启建筑节能新潮流 It turned out that they made the house like a passive house. The walls and doors and windows were extremely insulated and insulated. With the built-in sunshade system, the House can achieve warm winter and cool summer to the maximum extent, it is already a life concept of ordinary residents. Because foreign countries with high energy costs do not want to spend too much electricity and want to have a comfortable house. It is a wise choice to do a good job in heat preservation and insulation of the house. However, system doors and windows with excellent wind pressure resistance, air tightness, water tightness, heat insulation, thermal insulation and other properties are the best choice for energy-saving buildings. The vast majority of commercial houses in our country are installed with ordinary doors and windows that can only shield from wind and rain. It is especially hot in summer and cold in winter. To maintain the comfortable indoor temperature, it depends on the non-stop air conditioning and heating. Every windy and rainy season, the gap between doors and windows is particularly easy to get into wind, sand and dust, and even water seepage. Over the past year, the electricity bill has been spent a lot, but the quality of family life has not improved. Doors and windows are an important part of the heat insulation of houses. Because the heat transfer coefficient of ordinary doors and windows is particularly high, in winter, indoor heating is distributed outdoors through doors and windows. In summer, the outdoor high temperature is transmitted to the room through windows. Even if the air conditioner and heating arrangement are completely complete, it cannot bring comfort to our life and the quality of life cannot reach the ideal state, and the electricity bill is also a big expense. 系统门窗时代已经到来,开启建筑节能新潮流 Now the superior sound insulation, energy saving and heat preservation performance of system doors and windows is recognized by people. More and more families replace ordinary doors and windows into system doors and windows. Using high-performance system doors and windows can not only improve the comfort of family life, but also save a lot of electricity bills. Therefore, system doors and windows are bound to usher in a peak period of development in our country. [This article is reprinted from Warren's public account. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi