Good Doors and Windows Can Help at the Critical Moment! Be Sure to Buy from a Regular Brand Manufacturer

Perhaps the recent world is always not too peaceful after entering the eventful autumn. On the ground, the typhoon is always ready, and on the ground, the earthquake is greeted frequently. While pursuing the comfort of the living room, we have also considered the earthquake resistance of the doors and windows of the house. 好门窗在关键时刻能救命!一定要到正规的品牌厂家购买 Ordinary doors and windows only need to conform to the "three properties" of doors and windows, namely, air tightness, water tightness and wind pressure resistance. However, the building doors and windows near the seismic zone meet these three standards and are not enough to resist the destructive power of high-intensity earthquakes. Therefore, seismic resistance is also indispensable. Different types of windows have different seismic capacity. Fixed Windows anti-seismic capacity less than sliding window and flat window opening. Casement window casement is often in the open state during the earthquake. At this time, the Casement is not in the plane of the wall, and it is seldom squeezed by the Wall deformation, so the casement window casement in the open is not damaged much. Sliding window fan can slide horizontally. Even when the deformation of the building is very large, it can have a certain degree of relative displacement relative to the window frame, and the actual deformation is smaller than the window frame. However, the outer window of the high-rise building needs to set the window glass as tempered glass to increase safety. 好门窗在关键时刻能救命!一定要到正规的品牌厂家购买 In order to make the building achieve the goal of seismic fortification, it is necessary to have not only good seismic design, but also good construction quality. Some doors and windows are well designed according to specifications, but the construction quality is poor, which can not achieve the expected seismic effect; Supervision, inspection and management of construction quality should be carried out through necessary procedures, in order to ensure the realization of the seismic target of the building. When an earthquake occurs, if you are in a high-rise building, you should stand on the porch, in the corner of the House or in the interior doorway with good support, you can quickly run to the corner of the load-bearing wall, toilet and other open rooms with support, or hide in the low and firm furniture, stay away from the window or glass screen, don't run away from the window, let alone jump off the building, and evacuate quickly after the earthquake to prevent strong aftershocks. 好门窗在关键时刻能救命!一定要到正规的品牌厂家购买 Through several earthquakes in recent years, we can sum up the design and construction of buildings and doors and windows products that meet the seismic standards, so that we can use relevant seismic knowledge to protect ourselves when earthquakes occur, reduce damage in disasters. Therefore, in the process of decoration, the construction of doors and windows should not be too casual, and the design must be carried out in strict accordance with the standards. At the same time, we must purchase high-quality door and window products from regular door and window brand manufacturers. [This article is reprinted from Dios public number, only information is transmitted, please contact to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi