Fuxuan Doors and Windows Lead You to Meet the Small Happiness of Elegant Life! Let the Mind Settle to the Initial Place

The fast-paced city life often makes us forget where to go. When we walked into the study calmly and tasted the yellowed bibliography carefully, we found that this feeling was more satisfying and comfortable. The study was such a magical place, it can even warm the whole building, so it is the dream of many people to have a study surrounded by books. After all, after finishing the fast-paced life of the whole day, you can go back to the quiet and scholarly study, and you can feel relaxed and relaxed at once, and your mind will settle to the initial place. It is undeniable that many small-sized families directly ignore the idea of setting a study, because the space is small and the bedroom is not enough. In fact, if you really want a study, you can also have a small apartment in the study! Therefore, to highlight a person's temperament, it is essential to build a study. Today, Xuanxuan shares some beautiful study designs to find a home for the soul. The most common "mini study" is a work area divided in the corner of the bedroom, such as replacing the bedside table with a side table, putting a shelf on the wall, or connecting the cabinet with the table board, so that both work and rest are correct. 富轩门窗带你遇见雅致生活的小确幸!让心灵沉降到最初始的地方 The shelf has a wide range of applications and can be placed between the cabinet and the wall at will. We can also choose lockers that can be opened and closed flexibly. Opening the cabinet door when needed is a good workbench. Bay windows and Tatami are the sharp tools for small-sized families to build study rooms. Reading by the window and working on the tatami are interesting in imagination alone. 富轩门窗带你遇见雅致生活的小确幸!让心灵沉降到最初始的地方 Placing tables and chairs beside the bookshelf is the most worry-free and labor-saving "open study" design, which not only saves space but also is flexible and convenient. Of course, if you must choose a closed office space, balcony is naturally the best choice. Put a shelf by the window, close the balcony door or pull cloth curtain, and you can enjoy your own time safely. 富轩门窗带你遇见雅致生活的小确幸!让心灵沉降到最初始的地方 [This article is reprinted from fuxuan public account. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi