What Are the Precautions for Installation and Acceptance of Doors and Windows? Roland Sini Brings Necessary Inspection Strategies

Doors and windows are the channel connecting the room with the outside world. The quality problem of their installation is very important, and the acceptance work after installation cannot be ignored. Inspection of door leaf Casement The quality of the surface of doors and windows is directly related to the whole effect after installation, which has certain influence not only on the use but also on the aesthetics. Visual inspection mainly includes firm problems, surface check, deformation and other conditions. The specific inspection methods are as follows: a. Check the appearance of doors and windows Look at the gloss of doors and windows from a far away place to see if there is obvious color difference on the surface; Measure the size of doors and windows with a ruler to see if there is any deformation; Touch the surface of doors and windows with hands at close distance, see if it is smooth without scratches. B. Check door and window seals The contact between the sealing strip and the glass and glazing rebate should be flat, and no curling or groove should be allowed. The layering with sealing strip must be tightly attached to the glass, and there should be no obvious gap at the joint between the layering and the profile, the joint gap should be less than or equal to 1mm. 门窗安装验收的注意事项知多少?罗兰西尼带来必备的检查攻略

Inspection of door and window frame The installation of the door and window frame directly affects the firmness of the door and window. The inspection of the frame should include firmness, smoothness, sealing and other aspects. a. Border vertical flatness check Check the verticality range of the door and window frame with vertical measuring scale. Generally, the allowable deviation of the vertical and lateral verticality of the door and window frame is 2.5mm, and the allowable horizontal deviation of the horizontal frame of the door and window is 2mm, the allowable deviation of horizontal frame height of doors and windows is 5mm, and the allowable deviation of vertical deviation from center of doors and windows is 5mm. B. Strict density inspection of connection with wall Check whether the frame of the door and window is tightly connected with the wall. You can use reflector and extension tube as auxiliary tools to help check. 门窗安装验收的注意事项知多少?罗兰西尼带来必备的检查攻略

Lock inspection The lock of doors and windows is related to the safety problem at home. When checking, we should pay special attention to it, depending on whether the installation is firm and whether the key rotates normally and flexibly. a. Lock installation inspection First, check whether the installation position of the next lock is correct and whether it is installed in reverse mode. Then check whether the installation on both sides of the lock corresponds and whether there is any dislocation. Finally, shake the lock by hand to see whether there is any loose phenomenon. B. Lock usage check The door lock is switched repeatedly and repeatedly to check whether the reverse lock and unlock can be carried out smoothly. After the window is locked, push the window by hand to see if it can be locked without sliding. 门窗安装验收的注意事项知多少?罗兰西尼带来必备的检查攻略

Inspection of doors and windows The use inspection of doors and windows is the last step in the installation and acceptance of doors and windows. Check whether the switch of doors and windows is abnormal and whether the opening of lock is normal. Common methods are:

a. You can shake the doors and windows back and forth with your hands to see if there are any problems such as abnormal noise;

b. Switch doors and windows with different forces to see how stressed the doors and windows are;

c. After closing the doors and windows, see how the sealing is. (Generally, the gap between doors and windows and frames is within 2mm) 门窗安装验收的注意事项知多少?罗兰西尼带来必备的检查攻略 [This article is reprinted from Roland Sini public account. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi