Five Misunderstandings of Window Opening and Ventilation, AI Chen Doors and Windows Answer for You One by One

In the life of home decoration, window ventilation is a crucial thing, which is directly related to human health and living quality. However, many people have these misunderstandings about window opening and ventilation. Hurry to see if you are in the middle. Misunderstanding 1: fear of being dirty and not opening windows Correct approach: open every day Under normal circumstances, a person exhales 22 liters of carbon dioxide per hour. If the ventilation is poor, the carbon dioxide exhaled by the human body will gather indoors. Window ventilation can make people get more "air vitamins", that is, negative ions, which can increase people's life span. The more windows are opened, the better. Open windows for ventilation three times a day for no less than 15 minutes each time, basically keeping the indoor air fresh. Myth 2: Open a window early in the morning and overnight Correct practice: it is best to open the window from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Many people are used to opening windows before going to work in the morning and when they come back in the evening. According to research and tests, the two peaks of air pollution in the city are generally around sunrise and in the evening, which is the most inappropriate time to open windows. The two opposite air-cleaning hours are around 10 am and 3 pm. We recommend that you open windows more during this time. Myth 3: open the window only when cooking in the kitchen Correct approach: open the window as long as you use the stove Now almost every family uses a range hood, but some friends only use the range hood and open the window when cooking, but do not use the range hood or open the window when boiling water and stew soup. In fact, even when boiling water, the exhaust gas of gas can easily gather in the kitchen and spread to the living room and bedroom. Therefore, when using gas, no matter what you cook, you should open the window or use the range hood. Myth 4: sleep without opening windows Correct practice: the window can be properly slit when sleeping. When sleeping, many people always like to close the door and close the window so as not to catch cold. In fact, when sleeping, the window should be opened as much as possible, but avoid convection wind and do not let the wind blow directly to the body. Here recommend, you can install inside and outside hanging windows in the bedroom area. These two opening methods are not like flat opening. They can effectively prevent the wind from blowing directly to the human body, and can be well ventilated, practical and healthy. Misunderstanding 5: no window opening in haze days Correct approach: you need to open the window regularly in haze days. When the haze is very serious, the window opening time needs to be reduced. It is better to open the window a little smaller under the condition of car window shade, and use humidifier, humidification spray, or put a basin of water on the heating to increase the air humidity and let dust and microorganisms sink. How many of the above five misunderstandings have you won? Open windows and ventilation should also pay attention to scientific methods. Long-term misunderstandings directly endanger the health of you and your family. Recently, the weather is hot. In the case of using air conditioners, the doors and windows are closed for too long, and bacteria are easy to breed in the indoor air, and the oxygen concentration will also decrease, which will easily cause discomfort to the human body, it is easy to infect raw glass. According to the above correct method, choose the appropriate time to open the window for ventilation to keep the air fresh and clean, and the human body feels refreshed. Scientific window ventilation, healthy life [This article is reprinted from The Aichen public account. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi