Small Apartment Can Also Have Independent Study? Hennessy Doors and Windows Answered "of Course"!

Although it is a dream for many people to have an independent study, small apartments often cannot have so much space to design an independent study, therefore, it is suggested that you can make use of some fragmentary corners in your home. You only need 1 square meter of space to easily have a small study, which is very convenient for reading, working and playing games! A desk, a chair, several partitions and a stylish desk lamp, chandelier or wall lamp make our home more stylish. The position near the window is also suitable for studying, adding a Venetian blind to separate the sunshine, holding a book and making a pot of tea at Leisure on weekends, and enjoying it quietly. 小户型也能拥有独立的书房?有轩尼斯门窗回答“当然”! The small apartment can also replace the bedside table with a desk, combine the desk with the wardrobe, use part of the wardrobe space to make a grid, and put some books, notes, etc., which is more convenient. If there is no wardrobe attached, you can hand over the space above to the partition board. After all, making a bookcase will make many people feel too depressed, so the partition board is a very suitable substitute, that is, it needs to be cleaned frequently. Even if we just put a chair in the corner and a low cabinet, it can also become a leisurely rest corner, allowing us to read some books every day, enrich ourselves and make ourselves better. The comfortable single sofa is placed in the corner of the living room with a floor lamp, which will definitely make your friends envy. Don't say that this corner is not practical, as long as you do it, you can calm down and read books every day, which is always good. If the room is really out of place, then make use of the balcony space. Design a small study at one end of the balcony, which is also the style of desk and partition, simple and practical. It is better for small-sized owners who have made tatami second bedroom. Tatami floor is connected with wardrobe and desk, which is the design that small-sized apartments can most use bedroom space. 小户型也能拥有独立的书房?有轩尼斯门窗回答“当然”! Find a small corner near the window, put down a desk and a comfortable chair to enjoy the soft sunshine and bright moonlight. I believe that after the busy work every day, it will make you feel comfortable and relaxed. This kind of leisurely feeling cannot be exchanged for anything. [This article is reprinted from the public number Hennessy. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi