Why Do You Want to Decorate the Doors and Windows First? Oedik Doors and Windows Decrypt for You

The traditional way of home decoration is to decorate first and then buy doors and windows. After getting the house, the owner should first ask the workers to carry out water and electricity renovation, brush the wall and lay bricks, and then select the doors and windows after the project is over. In the stage of drying room after the completion of the Foundation project, the owner has sufficient time to visit the store and choose doors and windows. Now many decoration companies and designers advocate a new decoration model-"set doors and windows first and then decorate". Post-decoration is not to start work after buying doors and windows, but to set the style, color, size and price of doors and windows before starting work, and then let designers carry out other designs according to doors and windows. Such as wall color, floor pattern, tile paving, etc. What are the benefits of doing this? 1. It helps to accurately grasp the benefits of style

为什么要先定门窗后装修?欧迪克门窗为你解密 in fact, most "quasi-decoration families" do not have much decoration experience or molding design ideas. Many people just learn some basic knowledge from newspapers, the Internet or other people's homes, when communicating with designers, they only hold house type images, which leads designers to not be able to understand your preferences well, but to continue their original design style, some even directly apply the original scheme to the decoration. However, it is different to choose a designer after choosing doors and windows. You can take the designer to see the favorite doors and windows first and tell him the size so that the designer can know your favorite style through doors and windows, it will also integrate the products into his design to unify the whole home style. Designers will also make some changes in the pattern of the bedroom according to the size of the doors and windows, so that there will be no situation that they are reluctant to love some doors and windows in order to cater to the design style. 2. Benefits of reducing unnecessary expenses

为什么要先定门窗后装修?欧迪克门窗为你解密 choosing doors and windows first is an effective way to control the decoration cost. Everyone who has decorated knows that the final decoration is basically beyond the original budget. Because in the process of decoration, there are often some additional items that cannot be prepaid, and the labor and material consumption are naturally too much. If the construction period is longer, there will be more money. However, after selecting doors and windows, you actually spent a lot of decoration costs, and the basic pattern has been determined, which will avoid many unnecessary additions. There are also many people who spend a lot of money on decoration. When they buy furniture, they find that they are too shy to buy some cheap doors and windows that do not match the decoration style. The overall feeling of home decoration is extremely inharmonious. 3. Worry-free and time-saving benefits

为什么要先定门窗后装修?欧迪克门窗为你解密 the home market is comprehensive. When visiting building materials, you can also look at the doors and windows by the way. If there is a suitable one, you can decide it. One can let designers have goals, secondly, it can reduce the number of visits to building materials city, so as to save worry and effort. Because it takes a certain amount of time to make and transport. However, the doors and windows should be fixed before Decoration. When the decoration is over, the doors and windows can be delivered. In this way, the moving time can be at least half a month in advance. Why not? What needs to be emphasized here is that it is not necessary to buy doors and windows immediately, but to determine the style, color, size, shape and price first, as for specific brands, we can compare them slowly until we find products that we are satisfied. (Some pictures and texts are taken from the network and deleted) [This article is reprinted from The oedik public account. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi