You Know What? The Layout of Doors and Windows Also Requires Feng Shui.

In home feng shui, most of the reasons for the quality of Feng Shui come from doors and windows, because these two are air ports connecting the outside world. If they are not well placed with windows, then there will be a bad aura from the doors and windows to the home, which affects everyone. 1 doors and windows facing the main culprit of the commercial site The quality of feng shui in residential or commercial places is greatly influenced by the door and window, because the door is the air outlet of the House, the throat connecting the outside world, and the primary barrier for the owner to make the best use of the situation and avoid the culprit. 2 doors and windows are worried about bearing sword cut waist The elevated road passes near the apartment building, which is like a drawing of bearing sword. It is easy to cause mental anxiety, especially the floors with the height of the elevated road suffer the most. 3 doors and windows facing the viaduct main culprit Houses located on the side of elevated roads or overpasses are prone to mental weakness due to long-term noise effects and ground vibration. If it is located at the outer edge of the circular arc of the flyover or elevated road, such as the waist of the sickle, it will be more harmful. 4 doors and windows are facing the pond. There is something wrong with it. The ancients said: there are semi-garden-shaped ponds or streams in front of the house, with a round direction, the main base being positive, and the dark guiding power to make a fortune, etc. For example, if the shape is different and the direction of the circle is inside, the base and orientation are not correct, which is very fierce! 5 doors and windows are the main culprit of telegraph pole It is easy to lead to family uneasiness, disharmony between the upper and lower levels, strange temperament, etc., and serious injury and bleeding. The bed in the bedroom is related to the telegraph pole. The discord between husband and wife will also affect childbirth and poor luck. Therefore, it is appropriate for people who are unlucky to be careful in everything in those years. 6 doors and windows facing the main culprit of the transformer Feng shui is a bad thing, and the transformer close to the transformer is in the bad position. Once the luck arrives in a few years, it will be injured if it is not dead, that is, there is no problem, and the patients in the home are constantly suffering from hemiplegia, hypertension, stroke and other diseases have a great impact on young people. 7 doors and windows are facing the road. Belt-shaped road Owner: prosperous fortune and smooth career. The main culprit of the direct road: unstable fortune and bloody disaster. The main culprit of the anti-bow shaped road: breaking wealth or saying blood. 8 doors and windows facing the fierce building This is the taboo of Yangzhai. Sharp and multi-angle large landscape buildings or TV towers, sculptures, etc. even if they are standing in public places, if they are near their own houses, they are also very serious, especially those who rush to doors and windows in close distance. Especially if the current year is not good or some people in the family want to fight against it, there must be a catastrophe. 9 doors and windows are fierce to the owner of the vacant house This is the taboo of Yangzhai. Because the empty house itself is "empty", the internal aura is naturally not good, and there is a kind of chill from the sense. Living for a long time is bound to be unfavorable, and it is easy to cause family turmoil and criminal consciousness, which is not good for physical and mental health. Especially those who rush to doors and windows in close distance are even more harmful. Note the following points when opening the window: First, open the window to the east, the East is full of Yang, and the wind water is called Purple East. Second, the opening of the window to the North is on the five elements of feng shui in the north, which belongs to overcast water. The opening of the window to the north is easy to enter, which is not good for health. Third, open the window to the south. If you see the corner, antenna, dead tree, waste, acuturris and other unfavorable residents, you are prone to eye diseases. Fourth, if the window is facing three buildings like spikes, it is called a fire-shaped mountain in the Wind Water, which may lead to official disasters, accidents, family casualties and so on. [This article is reprinted from the public account of yuedai Caotang. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi