What about Poor Sound Insulation at Home? Snimay Doors and Windows Give You Knowledge!

Many owners chose doors and windows hastily before they understood the principle of doors and windows anacoustic. As a result, they found that they did not achieve the sound insulation effect they wanted after the decoration was completed. Today, sister Shi will show you how soundproof doors and windows are dizzy.

First, let's learn the truth about voice transmission. Sound is a sound wave generated by the vibration of an object. It is a wave phenomenon transmitted through medium (air or solid, liquid) and can be perceived by human or animal auditory apparatus. The sound of an object that initially vibrates (shakes) is transmitted in the form of waves. Sound is the movement formed by the propagation of sound waves through any substance. As a kind of wave, sound with a frequency between 20Hz and 20 kHz can be recognized by human ears. The speed of sound propagation in different media: 家里隔音差怎么办?诗尼曼门窗给你涨知识! Thus, the propagation speed of sound in different media is generally solid> liquid> gas, and the propagation speed of sound is related to the type and temperature of the medium. The transmission speed of sound in metal is the fastest, while the transmission speed in air, nylon and Wood media will be relatively weakened, this is the principle basis of structural design of hollow glass and broken bridge composite profiles adopted in soundproof window. Hollow glass As long as the hollow glass reaches more than 12A, it can show better sound insulation effect. Double glazing unit filled with inert gas, the sound insulation effect is more significant. 家里隔音差怎么办?诗尼曼门窗给你涨知识!

Broken Bridge composite structure profile The principle of the Broken Bridge composite structure profile is to block the sound transmission medium-profile metal, and use nylon 66 heat insulation strip to connect the profile, thus greatly reducing the sound wave propagation, to achieve the effect of weakening the sound transmitted from outdoor to indoor through profiles. 家里隔音差怎么办?诗尼曼门窗给你涨知识!

Seal In addition to the sound transmission between profiles and glass, the gap of the whole window has also become one of the ubiquitous sound transmission paths. Professional doors and windows use high-quality sealant strips to seal the gap of the whole window. Generally, ordinary rubber strip are used in the market. It can not withstand the sun and rain, and it is easy to embrittlement. The better adhesive strips are EPDM strip. Snimay doors and windows adopt automobile-grade high-quality EPDM composite sealant strip, which has better sealing performance and better sealing effect than ordinary adhesive strip. 家里隔音差怎么办?诗尼曼门窗给你涨知识!

Installation Seven points to see the product, three points to see whether the installation, installation technology is professional, will directly lead to the overall sound insulation performance of doors and windows to get the best play. Professional snimay doors and windows brands are selected, and professional trained installers provide engineering installation services. Snimay customized doors and windows, with ingenious design, let you return to peace, stay away from noise, and guard your quiet life. Every detail, every link and every customization requirement bring you full sense of security and comfort.

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