Want to Build a Full Sun Room? Aichen Doors and Windows to Teach You!

I like the Sunshine Room But afraid of the hot summer The Sunshine Room is changed into a sauna room, and the utilization rate is not high. In fact, this is mainly because of you The choice of Sunshine Room is not essential.

What to pay attention 1. Heat insulation and cold protection It is too hot in summer and too cold in winter, so heat insulation and cold protection should be considered when making a Sunshine Room. To solve this situation, you can choose a low-cost and high-performance film-building film, which has heat preservation, heat insulation, energy saving, UV protection, explosion protection, safety and protection functions.

2. Water leakage prevention The main reason for the leakage of the sunshine room is that the basic frame is not well done, resulting in deformation, which makes waterproof adhesive fall off; Secondly, the quality of the waterproof silica gel is not good, which leads to water prevention; the last one is sealing, where there is a gap, it is not sealed with silica gel.

3. Ventilation In order to ensure the ventilation of the sun room, the ventilation system with constant temperature function can be mounting strip, which can automatically adjust the temperature and humidity of the sun room. Secondly, we know that the facade of the sun room is sure to make windows, however, in order to achieve air convection, sunroof must be made on the top, so both methods can be used. The former has high cost, while the latter has relatively high cost performance. Which method can be selected according to the budget.

4. Sound insulation If you want to look up at the starry sky, bathe in sunshine, and read for leisure, sound insulation is very important in this sun room surrounded by glass. How to make sound insulation depends on the sealing performance of the sun room and the selected materials, for example, glass can choose thicker glass, windows can choose broken bridge aluminum. 想要打造一个逼格满满的阳光房?艾臣门窗来教你!

Material Selection How to choose Sunshine Room correctly? The materials used are generally steel structure, aluminum alloy structure and broken bridge aluminum structure. From the aspects of safety, lighting, sound insulation, energy saving, waterproof, index, cost, modeling and so on, we can compare the differences between these three profile sun rooms. Which structure is the most cost-effective? First, comparison of safety indexes For ordinary family Sunshine houses, steel, aluminum and broken bridge aluminum can meet safety requirements in load-bearing performance and wind pressure resistance. Large sun rooms generally need to be built with steel structures. Steel structures have good load-bearing performance, but the safety performance of the three materials of small sun rooms is basically divided equally.

Second, comparison of lighting indexes Theoretically, the main frame profile of the Sunshine Room has little influence on lighting. Whether it is steel structure, aluminum alloy or broken bridge aluminum profile, the Sunshine Room can be built into a glass roof with good lighting. When choosing the roof material of the sun room, if it is built into color steel plate roof and tile roof, the lighting property will be reduced. Owners who like to enjoy the sunshine, it is recommended to choose the glass roof sun room.

Third, comparison of sound insulation index The dividing point between steel structure and aluminum alloy and broken bridge aluminum lies in the living experience. In terms of sound insulation performance, the sound insulation of steel sun room is lower than aluminum alloy sun room, and the sound insulation of aluminum alloy sun room is lower than that of broken bridge aluminum Sunshine Room.

Fourth, waterproof Grade comparison During the construction of steel sun room, although anti-rust treatment will be carried out, after the rainy season, there will still be rust and rain leakage on the surface of the material, which is only a matter of time. The aluminum alloy and broken bridge aluminum materials have stable and maintenance-free performance, no rust problem, good sealing performance and good waterproof effect. 想要打造一个逼格满满的阳光房?艾臣门窗来教你!

Fifth, comparison of energy saving levels Steel sun room does not have any thermal insulation property, so generally there will be severe cold winter and hot summer steel sun room. Aluminum Alloy sun room although the thermal insulation performance is OK, it is still not as good as the aluminum material specially produced for thermal insulation. Heat insulation broken bridge aluminum inner cavity is filled with heat insulation materials, which can save energy, make the Sunshine Room warm in winter and cool in summer, and keep constant temperature. 想要打造一个逼格满满的阳光房?艾臣门窗来教你!

Sixth, comparison of Cost Index Steel structure is the cheapest, aluminum alloy is slightly more expensive, broken bridge aluminum is more expensive. Some sun rooms are cheap when decorated, and the more they are used, the more expensive they are. For example, steel sun room. You cannot expect the cost of repair and maintenance later. However, some sun rooms are slightly expensive when decorated, and the more they are used, the cheaper they are. Just like aluminum alloy and broken bridge aluminum, the maintenance-free performance is superior, which can give people comfortable enjoyment.

Routine maintenance There are still some tips in daily life. Which one suits you? 1. Sunshade sun protection and heat insulation Sunshade is the most common method of sun shading and heat insulation. It is to add a sun room sunshade or metal roller shutter outside the window, which can not only block ultraviolet rays and radiant heat, but also adjust light, effectively reduce indoor temperature. 2. Open the skylight for ventilation and cooling The top of the sunshine room is equipped with a sky window, which can be used with the window to generate convection, and the hot air can be better discharged into the room. 3. Install water spraying system to cool down The spray system installed in the sunshine room can take away a lot of heat to achieve the purpose of cooling, and can also clean the sunshine room, killing two birds with one stone. [This article is reprinted from The Aichen public account. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi