Self-Built Houses What Are the Most Easy Mistakes to Make on Doors and Windows? Janus Came to Tell You

Self-built houses, in recent years, it is changing from a red brick bungalow to a variety of villas. With the improvement of people's living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for the appearance of the house, but they pursue the beauty of the house shape, it is easy to ignore some very important problems. What I bring to you today is that self-built houses is the most easy mistakes on doors and windows. You should pay attention to the preparation of self-built houses! 1 The location of interior door of the room is very important, which will directly affect the layout of furniture and indoor ventilation. Therefore, the principle of the location of the door is to keep the wall as complete as possible, in order to facilitate the layout of furniture and the rationality of pedestrian passages. 自建房在门窗上最容易犯的错有哪些?简纳斯来告诉你

2 The ventilation in the room is not only affected by the position of the door, but also restricted by the window. In order to achieve excellent ventilation effect, the position of the door should be matched with the window as much as possible, which can form the ventilation through the hall, plus-sized ventilation range. 自建房在门窗上最容易犯的错有哪些?简纳斯来告诉你

3 The area of the windows in the room should be determined according to the different requirements of lighting in different rooms. Generally, the window area = floor area of the room × floor area ratio of the windows. At the same time, the size of the windows is also affected by the local climate. For example, in hot areas in the south, the window area is often increased to facilitate ventilation. In cold areas in the north, most of the windows are small window households, or small window in the north of the large windows in the South to save energy and keep warm. 自建房在门窗上最容易犯的错有哪些?简纳斯来告诉你 In addition, if solar energy is used for heating, the area of the south window should be appropriately increased to obtain more solar energy, and the thermal insulation measures of the window must not be ignored, otherwise, more heat will be lost at night than during the day.

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