How Much Is Broken Bridge Aluminum Windows Per Square Meter on the Market?

Generally, the market price of customized broken bridge aluminum windows starts with 1 square meter. If the price is less than 1 square meter, the price should be 1 square meter. The price of the door is also less than xx square meters, this is a unified standard in the industry. It is a method to calculate the cutting loss of materials together. The Square number calculated by different manufacturers will be somewhat different. The price of broken bridge aluminum windows at the low end of the market is about 300-500 yuan/square; the price of mid-end broken bridge aluminum windows is about 600-1000 yuan/square; The price of high-end broken bridge aluminum windows is about 900-1500 yuan/square; The price of luxury broken bridge aluminum windows is about 1000-2000 yuan/square, even some prices will go to 2000-5000 yuan per square meter. Of course, when you hear the quotation, as a professional distributor, you will still know the configuration of doors and windows, otherwise you don't know whether others use good or poor configuration for you.
