What Are the Groove Points of Fine Decoration Design? Fuxuan Doors and Windows Tell You

At present, many houses are equipped with fine decoration. Although it is more expensive than the whole process of supervision and decoration, it is better to save worry and convenience and avoid the supervision period of several months. Besides, no matter the color or style of the full set of design, it will make the home look more harmonious and unified, which is not a loss. However, hardcover suites are prone to various design mistakes. The editor asked several friends around him who bought hardcover rooms and found that the complaints were concentrated in the following places:

Wrong socket position Design Some sockets are close to cooking range, which makes it easy for the temperature to be too high and there are fire hazards; Some sockets in the bathroom are close to the faucet. When you shower or wash your face, water drops can easily splash out, accidentally, it will fall into the slot. If the socket position has been arranged, there is no way out. You can only add waterproof cover socket to the side of the groove.

Shoe cabinet depth is not enough Fine decoration is usually equipped with furniture, and shoe cabinets are no exception. Some hardcover houses do not hesitate to compress the depth of the shoe cabinet in order to make the entrance appear wider. The depth of the shoe cabinet in the small editor's friend's home is only 300mm. Generally, shoes are fine, but her husband frequently complained that AJ couldn't be put in. What's more, this kind of shoe cabinet is generally customized in one piece, and it is quite large to change the project. In this case, we can only recommend that you buy a few more acrylic shoes in boxes. 精装修设计有哪些槽点?富轩门窗给你讲讲

The furniture is mostly short-legged When choosing this kind of design, I really can't see anything. Actually, it is very annoying to live in. The broom can't reach in, the vacuum cleaner can't absorb, and even the sweeping robot can't get in. It is really desperate. It is suggested that if you decorate the furniture by yourself, you should not choose the one with high feet, or you can directly choose the one with the floor, which is more convenient without accumulating dust. 精装修设计有哪些槽点?富轩门窗给你讲讲

Used more than N open cabinets Several friends who bought a well-decorated house said that there were many customized open cabinets in the house. Although the appearance was very good, if the family did not invite a special live-in nanny, it's better to save money. It can accumulate dust every day, which makes people collapse. 精装修设计有哪些槽点?富轩门窗给你讲讲

Door and window handle is too square Maybe for the sake of appearance, many door handles are square and square shape, which looks very elegant, but several times the editor went to a friend's house and accidentally touched a corner, it's no exaggeration to say that it really hurts so much that there is white light in front of me. I really can't imagine what will happen when children accidentally encounter it. Many small Partners found that they didn't like buying hardcover houses until they actually checked in, not only because they were expensive, but also because the design of many small details was not considered well. It is suggested that friends who decorate themselves should pay attention to the door handle when purchasing doors and windows, instead of just looking at the aluminum frame and glass. It's not that Xiao Bian bragged. Our door handle of fuxuan is very good. Considering the safety problem, the position of the handle is polished delicate smooth, and it is wear-resistant and push-pull-resistant. It is no problem to use it for decades.

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