What Is the Good Thing about System Doors and Windows? Dios, Come and Tell You

System doors and windows are a perfect organic combination that takes into account the process and performance. Those who make doors and windows know that system doors and windows are better than ordinary doors and windows, so where is system doors and windows better than ordinary doors and windows? 1. Different technical equipment Door and window enterprises are not producers of doors and windows, but assemblers of door and window accessories. The quality of doors and windows depends more on the splicing strength and tightness of accessories. Ordinary doors and windows adopt traditional corner setting technology, and apply sealant on the edge of the edge of the extrusion angle in the connection mode of squeezing aluminum corner brace + collision angle. However, the aluminum joint that really needs to be sealed does not have sealant, such a process cannot guarantee the compaction of the corner and the sealing of the joint. The system doors and windows adopt cast aluminum corner codes with hollow stainless steel pins + glue injection. The advantages of this process are two, one is expansion tightening and fixing technology, the other is glue injection sealing technology. Each cast aluminum corner code is composed of two-flap cast aluminum parts. When the stainless steel hollow pin is broken into, the two-flap cast aluminum parts will automatically open, plus the matching tolerance of angle code dowel hole and profile dowel hole, tighten and fix the two 45-degree spliced profiles firmly. Next, glue is injected into the angle code through the glue injection hole of the pin. After the glue injection is completed, the 45-degree splicing of the profile is completely sealed with glue from the inside of the cavity. In this way, the gap between the angle code and the profile cavity is completely sealed, effectively ensuring the good air tightness of the system doors and windows. 2. Stability Generally speaking, system doors and windows are mature products launched after long-term brewing and research and development, and the performance and quality of materials and whole doors and windows are comprehensively tested, reaching the expected standards, with guaranteed quality. 3. Flexibility System doors and windows are serialized and standardized products. Each component is fixed according to different performance. Notch structure and material supply have strong exclusion and incompatibility, and the flexibility is relatively small, but now it is the era of customization. System doors and windows can be designed according to customer needs. 4. Software and after-sales service While providing products, system doors and windows will also provide design software, design manuals, procurement manuals, processing manuals, professional equipment and technical service support, which is a complete industrial chain. In terms of after-sales service, the quality assurance of system doors and windows not only includes the engineering warranty of doors and windows units, but also the life warranty of system company's products.

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