Diamond Net Car Window Shade This Cleaning Is Not Bad for 30 Years!

There are various materials of mesh on the market, Diamond Net car window shade is one of which is widely used, and anti-mosquito and anti-theft are relatively good. King Kong voile is hard and has strong impact resistance. Generally, the service life of Diamond Net car window shade is 15-20 years. However, the daily cleaning and maintenance of Diamond Net car window shade is also necessary, which will make Diamond net security window more durable. How does King Kong car window shade clean and maintain?


King Kong car window shade cleaning and maintenance

1. It is necessary to check the combination of the Diamond net frame and the wall of car window shade Diamond net frequently, because there will be looseness with the increase of service time, which will easily deform the whole frame and make the Diamond net unable to close, sealed. So if you find that the screw is loose, you should tighten it immediately.

2. After car window shade is installed, regular maintenance should be carried out. Car window shade has its own automatic cleaning function to roughly remove the dirt on the surface. At the same time of self-cleaning, it should also be cleaned by itself.

3. Regular maintenance of car window shade is also very simple. Spray some lubricant on the car window shade track, lubricate the track, and add some oil to the locator. If the yarn surface is damaged, the yarn surface can be replaced alone. The replacement is flexible and easy to maintain.


4. If you need to clean foreign matters and dirty spots on the diamond car window shade, do not use metal objects such as steel wire ball and steel brush to clean the Voile. Use newspapers, clean water, sponge, etc. clean voile.

5. Diamond Net car window shade can be disassembled. During cleaning and maintenance, you cannot directly soak the handle lock, hinge shaft, and actuator lock connection with water to avoid rusting of accessories and astringent failure of switches, regularly inject a small amount of hydraulic oil into the joint of hardware fittings, which can relieve the wear of hardware fittings and prolong the service life of the product.

6. If Diamond car window shade rusts due to oxidation, you can use a knife to gently scrape away the rust, wash it with soap, wipe it dry with a dry cloth, and polish it with a dry cloth after waxing, it will be more smooth as new.

In fact, the maintenance and cleaning of King Kong car window shade is not very difficult. We should pay more attention to the usual cleaning and maintenance. It is very possible that Diamond net security window will not be bad for 30 years!