Household Security Door Standard Width and Height Size

National standard door, referred to as 'National standard, 'its standard refers to the height 2.05 m * width 0.95 m refers to the external size of the security door. Of course, what is a non-standard door? That is, the length and width of the door can be increased and reduced at will. The door customized according to your own needs is called non-standard door. Generally, the door opening is reserved according to the national standard size in the design of the building; (height) 2.10 m * (width) 0.97 to install a security door slightly smaller than the door opening.


1. The height is 2050mm and 970mm, while the width is 860mm and 960mm.
2. After combination, it can be: 2050*860, 2050*960, 1970*860, 1970*950. 2050mm refers to a door frame with a total height of 2.05 meters. If the height of the door hole in the home is 2070mm, you can buy a security door with a size of 2050mm, because he needs to reserve a space of about 20mm, this makes it more convenient to install.
3. Security doors are generally divided into two types: open outside and open inside. Generally, we identify the direction of the door outside the room.
4. Directions are divided into: outer left open, outer right open, inner left open, inner right open. Let's give an example, that is to say, adding is left open, that is, people face the door hole outdoors, the hinge (hinge) is left outside on the left hand side, and other methods are similar.