Which One Is Better, Montian Wooden Door Or Zhanzhi Tianhua

Written year: montian was created in 1989. Zhanzhi Tianhua, Tianhua Wood Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., was founded in 1995. Production Place, montian in Zhejiang province, Zhanzhi Tianhua wooden door in Shenyang city in the Liaoning province.

In terms of advertising and promotion influence, montian is even better. Zhanzhi Tianhua is mainly a Hong Kong enterprise. Hong Kong bosses seldom manage enterprises themselves, and most of them ask managers to manage them, so they cannot keep up with the pace of the times in product innovation or market promotion. Montian wooden doors are mainly channel distributors. There are often advertisements on TV. It is very strong in brand promotion. At the same time, there are many distributors everywhere, and the product style is mainly European style. It is very suitable for the pursuit of modern people.