High Price and Low Price Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows, How Do You Choose?

The market price of bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy doors and windows is really messy. Take the 55 broken bridge door as an example. The cheap one is only about 300 to 400 square meters, while the expensive one is 700 to 800 square meters, and even there are more than 1,000 square meters, what is the difference between these? There is no difference between them from the outside, so where is the problem? Today, I will make a comparison between materials and techniques.

Bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy doors and windows there are many specifications. Mainstream profiles generally have 55 types, 60 types, 65 types, 70 types, 75 types, and 80 types. The mainstream profiles integrated with window screen generally have 80 type, 95 type, 100 type, 108 type, 125 type, 135 type and 150 type.


a. 55 the thickness of broken bridge profiles is now available in the market from 1.2mm to 1.8mm. Only one 6-meter-long profile has a price difference of tens of yuan only due to different thickness.

B. Division of large factories and small factories: due to equipment and technological reasons, the processing cost of profiles produced by small workshops is between 2,000 and 3,000 per ton, however, the processing fee per ton of large factories reaches 5,000 to 6,000 yuan, which is also a big difference!

Hollow glass

a, 55 broken bridge hollow glass has non-tempered hollow, single-sided tempered hollow, double-sided tempered hollow, non-tempered hollow 60 to 70 yuan per square meter, while double-sided tempered hollow is more than 100 yuan per square meter.

B. 55 there are three types of hollow glass that can be assembled with broken bridge glass: regular, which are 5 6A, 5 9A, 5 12A 5 respectively. Among these three types, 5 6A 5 has the worst sound insulation performance, 5 12A 5 has the best sound insulation performance, and their price difference is between tens of yuan per square meter.

Heat insulation strip

ordinary PVC insulation strips are generally about 6000 to 7000 tons, while nylon 66 insulation strips are as high as 28000 yuan per ton, and imported ones are more than 30000 yuan per ton, you can calculate the difference between them!


take a set of hardware for example, the low price is less than 100 yuan in the market, while a set of good quality is 200 or 300 yuan, especially for imported brands, it is as high as 400 or 500 yuan. This difference is four or five times.

Silicon sealant

in the installation broken bridge aluminum doors and windows in order to save money, some people use sealant for caulking for two or three yuan each, while others use structural adhesive on the outer wall to meet the quality requirements, each piece reaches more than 18 yuan. Take consumers as an example, do you want to use two or three pieces of glue to save money? Or use better quality structural adhesive for quality?

A complete set of production equipment in a small workshop costs tens of thousands of yuan; However, only one ordinary precision double-head saw of a large factory reaches more than 60000 yuan, and the number of numerical control is more than 100,000 yuan, this kind of investment is not because big factories have money, but because their cutting precision is indeed not at the same level. This is just a comparison between one device and several other devices.

Therefore, the investment of large factories is large, and small workshops invest in the production of products. Who do you think is of good quality? High precision? To produce good products that meet the quality standards, hardware investment must first meet the standards. Only when hardware meets the standards can products that meet the standards be produced, and the cost is undoubtedly higher.

In fact, the production costs of different window types are also very different. For example, only one movable window square meter and five square meters can open one movable window square meter. The difference in this cost is several times.

Therefore, buying doors and windows products also depends on your own family conditions. If you are willing to solve the problem at one time, you can buy products with better quality. The price is higher, but the problem is solved at one time, no worries. If the conditions are not allowed, you can use products with lower prices. When the conditions permit in the future, you can change the products with good quality. This is also an expedient measure.