How about Wooden Doors Made of Cherrywood?

Cherrywood is a very high-end wooden material with a high price. Homes that can afford Cherrywood as wooden doors are generally rich families. Cherrywood furniture is a gorgeous material full of spirituality. It has a very unique characteristic. The longer the time is, the darker the color and wood grain will become. Like wine, it will become more and more mellow in the passage of time.

Cherrywood appearance:
Cherrywood is born with brown tree heart spots and tiny gum nest, with fine texture, clear, good polishing, good coating effect, suitable for high-end household products.

Cherrywood performance:
Good mechanical processing performance, fast drying, large shrinkage during drying, but good dimensional stability after drying. Cherrywood wooden door, as its name implies, is a wooden door. It can be divided into many types according to material, craft and usage. Widely applicable to civil, commercial buildings and residential buildings.


Cherrywood multifunctional wooden door
Cherrywood wooden door folding composite door, solid wood composite door door core is mostly made of pine, fir or imported filling materials. It is pasted with density plate and solid wood veneer, made after hot pressing at high temperature, and edge sealed with wooden moulding. General high-grade solid wood composite door, the door core is mostly high quality white-barked pine, the surface is solid wood veneer. Due to the small density, light weight and easy control of moisture content of white-barked pine, the weight of finished doors is relatively light, and it is not easy to deform and crack. In addition, solid wood composite door also has the characteristics of heat preservation, impact resistance, flame retardant, etc., and the sound insulation effect is basically the same as that of solid Cherrywood wooden doors.

Because solid wood composite door has various shapes, rich styles, exquisite European-style carvings, classical Chinese-style assorted flowers, or fashionable and modern, doors with different decorative styles give consumers a broad selection space.
In addition, veneer and stickers are common in modern Cherrywood wooden doors.
Wood leather Cherrywood wooden door is relatively expensive due to its natural texture, beautiful appearance and strong impact resistance. The cherrywood wooden door with stickers is also called grain Cherrywood wooden door. Because of its low price, it is a relatively popular product, the disadvantage is that it is easy to be damaged and afraid of water.