Advantages and Conditions of Joining Blue Card Doors and Windows

At present, the most advanced fully enclosed and fully automatic mixing system in China is put into use, and a full set of German-made power devices with large energy and computer control will meet the requirements of the cooling system, shaping system, and the higher technological requirements of product stability, more than 200 sets of new window types and section molds have been put into use, and the production capacity of high-grade PVC-U profiles with an annual output of 20000 tons has been formed, make the product structure of blue card doors and windows plastic (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. more reasonable and close to the market, and can meet the customer needs of Chinese and Asian markets, different architectural styles and various climate requirements.

In order to standardize the production and development of domestic construction and building materials industry, the National Ministry of Construction and industry association successively issued mandatory energy saving requirements for building exterior wall materials and national standards for the production of plastic profile materials in 2006, the atmosphere in which the whole society pays attention to energy conservation, consumption reduction, pollution reduction and the establishment of a harmonious society is taking shape. These undoubtedly bring greater development opportunities and broader development prospects to blue card doors and windows Shanghai and the whole industry, and also put forward higher requirements to our production enterprises.

Blue card doors and windows join process

1. Communicate with us through telephone, QQ or WeChat to understand the product application direction and preliminary market positioning;

2. Partners can understand the local application of products by themselves and conduct preliminary market research to facilitate the establishment of the scheme after cooperation;

3. Determine the date of field visit to Beijing with the staff, and then arrange the driver to pick up the station;

4. Comprehensive investigation opinions of the partners, combined with the company's cooperation plan, the two sides formally signed a cooperation agreement;

5. Issue cooperation authorization to partners, distribute operating products, conduct technical training and market operation training;

6. Arrange the Operation products of logistics distribution partners, and notify party B of delivery and pickup matters;

7. After receiving the goods, the partner is ready for the opening of the business, and the market specialist will come to guide the partner to open the business;

8. Cooperate with partners to conduct regular or irregular market inspections, guide operation and technical support.

Blue card doors and windows join condition

have legal business qualifications, no criminal record, and shall not use the franchise store to engage in illegal acts.

The franchisees agree with the corporate culture and business philosophy of the headquarters and abide by the relevant franchise regulations of the headquarters.

The franchisees have a good investment mentality, are aggressive and have the entrepreneurial spirit of hard work.

Experience in industry distribution

have independent agent qualification

with financial strength and market development funds for products

have certain foresight and commitment to sales of products

blue card doors and windows join advantages


enjoy the "blue card doors and windows" brand and enterprise honor use right

enjoy the right to operate all products of "blue card doors and windows"

get the image design drawings inside and outside the store provided by the headquarters for free.

Get free opening supplies such as propaganda poster, posters, POP, hanging flags, and clerk badges provided by the headquarters.

Get free gift promotion items matching quantity in

strong R & D strength ensures the product technology obtained by the franchisees. At the same time, the large-scale procurement of the franchisees reduces the operating costs of the franchisees and ensures that the franchisees have sufficient profit space.

The franchisees can not only get the products and technical services of the Allies, but also get standardized management guidance and first-class marketing planning support.

Retail supervision support

product promotion support

promotional material support

operation Planning Support

get free long-term consulting services for store location, guidance, store decoration design, opening and sales business of the headquarters.

Return bonus when the quantity of purchase reaches a certain quantity

after completing the specified sales performance, you can get the rebate point of the headquarters.

Get free online promotion and sharing platform provided by headquarters for agents

enjoy the priority management right of new products of "blue card doors and windows" new project

enjoy the regional protection policy provided by the headquarters to ensure the supply of goods

under the same conditions, the agent enjoys the priority of the general agent of Jinjing region.

Enjoy the priority of purchasing original equity after the headquarters is listed.