Nanshan Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows Price

Before introducing the price of Nanshan broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, first introduce Nanshan Aluminum Company. Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co., Ltd. was founded in 1993 in Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co., Ltd.. After six years of arduous struggle, finally, it was successfully listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on December 23, 1999 with a transaction code of 600219. We can see on its official website that the aluminum profiles produced by it are the aluminum alloy and broken bridge aluminum profiles that we often find. The aluminum profile was established and built in 1992 to produce the building aluminum profile. Of course, we have not seen any quotation of aluminum on the official website, but if you want to ask what is the price of Nanshan broken bridge aluminum doors and windows. The editor can only make such a general list.
The price is generally between 450-480, but this price does not include hardware and car window shade. Shandong Nanshan broken bridge aluminum doors and windows 70 series Price is ¥580.00 yuan per square meter.
Generally, we know that the aluminum types of broken bridges on the first line are: Phoenix aluminum, Jianmei aluminum, Xingfa aluminum, Nanshan Aluminum, Xinhe aluminum, Weiye aluminum, Weichang aluminum and other top ten brands.
Second line broken bridge aluminum aluminum type: Dongming aluminum, Jinpeng aluminum, Mingdi aluminum, Dongliang aluminum, Shide aluminum, etc.
The price gap between first-tier brands is generally about 3,000 yuan per ton. First-line brands usually cost about 30,001 tons. The gap between first-tier brands and second-tier brands is about 5,000 yuan. It can be seen that the broken bridge aluminum doors and windows produced by first-tier brands broken bridge aluminum are quite different from those produced by second-tier brands. Now fengaluminum broken bridge aluminum 70 series is about 560 yuan per square meter. It can be seen that the quotation of Nanshan Aluminum broken bridge aluminum in the market is at least not less than 500 yuan per square meter. The above is what the editor knows. I hope it can help you.