How Much Is the Price of Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows Per Square Meter and How Is It Calculated?

At present, the price range of aluminum alloy doors and windows in the market is large, and the price of one square meter can be from 300 to 5000. For consumers with decoration needs, it is too big, how can I scientifically choose which price range is suitable for aluminum alloy doors and windows? The editor of China doors and windows brand Network will explain it in detail today.

Before choosing which price range of aluminum alloy doors and windows, we first need to know why the price span of aluminum alloy doors and windows is so large. We analyze one by one from the factors that affect the price of doors and windows:

1. The treatment material of aluminum surface. The current treatment materials of aluminum surface include baking varnish, powder spraying, fluorocarbon spraying, wood grain, etc.
Paint: 50 yuan/㎡; Powder spraying: 200 yuan/㎡, fluorocarbon spraying: 400 yuan/㎡; Wood grain: 500 yuan/㎡

2. Different cross-section thickness of aluminum will also affect the price, for example, the price difference between 1.4 and 2.0 is about 100 yuan.

3. The price of glass, there are two factors that affect the price of glass, one is the brand's popularity, the other is the thickness of hollow glass, the price is proportional.

4. The price of aluminum alloy door and window hardware is also very large. The price of a complete set of doors and windows can vary by more than 1,000 due to different prices of hardware, so hardware is also one of the important factors we consider.

5. Rubber gasket material, the price difference between domestic glue and imported glue is about 10 times.

6. Different types of aluminum alloy doors and windows

7. The three properties of aluminum alloy doors and windows with high manufacturing technology, quality and price must be strictly tested. Water tightness, air tightness and wind pressure resistance all need to be hit to the standard.


At present, how is the price of one square meter for aluminum alloy doors and windows calculated? Currently, there are two types in the market.
1. Low unit price × square meters hardware unit price (high) × number of sets invisible car window shade 150 yuan × number waterproof adhesive 10 yuan/meter × meter beam | Column | Strengthening position 240 yuan × meter hardware lock hinge wind brace and other accessories = total price (this aluminum alloy door and window the price calculation method is widely used in building materials exhibition halls, agent)
Features: low unit price, attracting customers first with low unit price, and then increasing prices everywhere to make up for the unit price. There are many accessories items and repeated charges, and the total price is high.

2. High unit price × square meters hardware unit price (low) × number of sets invisible car window shade 100 yuan × number = total price (note: If there is a balcony corner order plus a corner meter, no more)
Features: high unit price, few accessories items and low total price. The price seems to be very high. In fact, the total price of aluminum alloy doors and windows is low, which is easy to calculate. If the owner has the size, he can calculate it quickly.

The second calculation method of Xiao Bian recommend allows every owner to know the price of aluminum alloy doors and windows.