How Much Does Garvis Door and Window Franchise Cost? Where Is the Headquarters Address?

Nowadays, there are more and more people who open their own stores as bosses, so how to choose the one that suits them among many brands? Small editor for you recommend-Garvis doors and windows. Since its establishment, Garvis doors and windows have always insisted on independent innovation. Its products, whether quality or appearance, have been widely recognized by consumers, and its market share continues to rise. Many affiliated stores are also attracting the attention of consumers, and the number of investors who want to join is still increasing. If you are interested in opening a Garvis doors and windows franchise store, let's learn about the detailed joining information first!

Garvis doors and windows franchise fee: ¥272500 or more

加维斯门窗加盟费需要多少钱?总部地址在哪里? advantages of Garvis doors and windows:

1. Advertising campaign: Wu Jing, an international superstar, was hired as the spokesperson of Garvis brand. Garvis brand has high brand value and has designed the "User Manual of Garvis spokesperson", it is used for advertising in Garvis specialty stores all over the country; It has landed in the Central TV advertisement and become a popular CCTV brand.

2. Online publicity: Garvis's new website invested in online promotion costs, vigorously Internet marketing, allowing the Garvis brand to spread widely among consumer users and channel distributors across the country.

3. In-store publicity: full implementation of the brand image of terminal Garvis store, such as facade signboard, light box, image Wall, trademark logo, in-store advertising language, in-store posters, exquisite product catalogue, product flyers, etc.

4. Regional promotion and publicity: plan and implement regular and irregular Garvis promotional activities in cities where specialty stores are located in the country, and strive to quickly enter Garvis products into new flats communities in various cities to establish good word-of-mouth communication.

5. Exhibition publicity: participate in the most influential Guangzhou International Building Materials Expo in July every year to show Garvis products and enhance its brand image.

Garvis doors and windows support:

1. Specialty store marketing training and marketing planning support: to ensure that the sales of specialty stores will double the sales volume compared with those of peers.

2. Technical Support Management: provide full guide services such as product installation, debugging and technical training for exclusive stores to improve the service level of exclusive stores and distributors.

3. Advertising support management: log on to the Central TV advertisement, become a popular CCTV brand, and become a national famous brand.

4. Decoration and model support management of franchise stores: the decoration of franchise stores is supported by subsidies; Samples in the store are supported free of charge.

5. Co-marketing support management: it is managed by the regional manager and serves the specialty store. It helps to develop market users, quickly open up sales for Garvis aluminum door and improve the brand awareness of Garvis.

6. Promotion support management: the regional manager assists franchisees in the promotion, promotion and various sales activities in the region.

7. Reward support management: reward according to the development and management of specialty stores and the achievement of sales targets. Reward different degrees of rebate according to rebate standards.

Editor: After reading the cost information of Garvis doors and windows listed above, do you know if you want to join Garvis doors and windows? If you are not very clear about the above information, and if you want to know more about the cost, click "I want to join" for consultation!