Winter Has Arrived, and the Sealing Performance of Doors and Windows Is Very Important.

The cold wind is bleak. Not only do passers-by walking outdoors feel extremely cold, but rooms with poorly sealed doors and windows also feel that the air is poured directly, and the doors and windows are transformed to resist the cold winter. 凛冬已至,门窗密封性能很重要

Transform doors and windows | Add windows or change windows We need to be prepared to resist the cold wind and check whether the doors and windows leak. High-quality doors and windows can effectively resist the invasion of wind and sand. In order to better prevent wind and sand, in addition to directly dismantling old windows and replacing them with new ones, doors and windows can also be modified according to the situation. The first method: Install a new window on the indoor side, which requires the opening of the original window to have sufficient countertop width and can put down the frame thickness of the new window. If the original window is sliding window or outwards opening window, add a layer of casement window inside the room and keep the separation consistent with the original window, which not only does not affect the lighting and visual effects, and it can easily clean the two-storey windows. The second method: Use the frame of the original window as the sub-frame of the new window, and install a new window in the sub-frame. This method is selected when the height of the frame of the original window is low, otherwise it will affect the indoor lighting. Another method is to transform only the opening fan of the window and replace the fan body and hardware to achieve the sealing effect, but this requires the new window to be consistent with the original window profile. Replace curtain thick fabric In addition to the renovation or replacement of doors and windows, a set of thick and long curtains has obvious windproof and sealing effect. In autumn and winter, the sunshine time is short, and the curtain can also adjust the light, protect the carpet and wooden furniture from exposure, heat insulation, heat preservation and noise prevention, and the windproof and heat preservation effect of thickened flannel fabric. 凛冬已至,门窗密封性能很重要 From the function of curtains, it is recommended to make whole wall curtains in large rooms to make the whole space more full. The windows in the living room and bedroom are large and have sufficient light. Curtains with better UV protection and heat insulation effects can be adopted. However, curtains in the bedroom should not use too thick colors to avoid impetuousness, for specific functional spaces such as audiovisual studio, it is recommended to use the whole wall curtain, which not only brings visual impact, but also has good sound insulation effect. What should I do if there is air leakage between doors and windows at home Doors, windows and curtains are very new. Why do you always feel Wind Runner air leakage at home? The home improvement engineer suggested that the owner could check the place where air leakage is easy in the home by igniting linear leaf Speedwell and placing it at the seam where air leakage is easy. If the smoke is straight, the sealing performance is good, if the smoke is quietly shifting, it means air leakage. After confirming the leakage, you can contact a professional to detect the cause and solve the problem. Aging of sealing strip: air leakage caused by quality problems of sealing strip can be solved by replacing new sealing strip. There is a crack between the frame and the Wall: during the installation of doors and windows, many workers did not do a good job of sealing between the door frame, window frame and the wall due to rush to work or cutting corners. In some old houses, the Wall loosens during the settlement process, the density between the wall and the door and window frame decreases, and the wind leaks easily in autumn and winter. The owner needs to contact the professional staff to come to the door and re-glue. The specific steps are as follows: remove the sealant around the original frame body, and then make a layer of Styrofoam to expand and fill, so that the combination between the frame body and the wall is firm; Then make partial repair of the Styrofoam base layer, after cleaning the dust, put a layer of sealant on the inner and outer sides of the frame body, and the width of the sealant layer should be kept at about 5-10mm. 凛冬已至,门窗密封性能很重要 Air conditioning vent is not blocked: many air conditioning manufacturers have special plugs to plug the pipe Port. If the quality is not good or the use time is too long, air leakage will occur. The most common way to block air conditioning vent is to fill air conditioning vent with waste towels. Some consumers also use waste newspapers and waste plastic sheets. However, newspapers are easy to age and there will be noise if they are not tightly stuffed, the elasticity of plastic cloth is large, and gaps will appear after blocking for a period of time. The thermal insulation performance of extremely quiet windows reaches the German standard of thermal insulation performance of doors and windows, and the heat transfer coefficient of doors and windows is basically close to the wall. Excellent thermal insulation performance not only brings winter warmth to families, it plays an important role in energy saving and consumption reduction. [This article is reprinted from the polar view public account, only information is transmitted, please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi