If You Want to Buy Good Doors and Windows, You Must Understand These Seven Words!

As the saying goes: the expert gatekeeper, the layman watching the fun. For friends who don't know about doors and windows, buying doors and windows is really a headache. There is no standard in my heart, and there is no positioning. So many people are not satisfied and uncomfortable after buying. Also, at present, the door and window industry is rich in categories, the categories are dazzling, and the quality is also uneven. In addition, the shopping guide is "full of flowers". After walking around the store, there is no way to start, and there is no way to judge. With years of experience in business, door and window Jun summarized the seven-character formula: one look, two models, and three switches. Can be collected for a rainy day. Take a look

想要买到好门窗,这七字口诀你必须了解! the so-called "listen to all directions, be observant and alert", so "look" is very important for buyers of doors and windows. Look at the brand: Brand description products have quality, after-sales, service and other guarantees, rest assured and safe. Look at people: look at the professionalism and accomplishment of the boss and shopping guide, and treat people and things. Look at the store: the terminal store is high-end, classy and classy, indicating the strength of dealers and manufacturers, which is the guarantee of product strength. Look at workmanship: workmanship is the core of the product. Good workmanship the surface of doors and windows is exquisite, the interface is accurate, the texture is good, and the appearance is beautiful and generous. Two Touch

想要买到好门窗,这七字口诀你必须了解! touch it, more than 300 ", don't be afraid, it doesn't cost money to buy doors and windows in the store. Only when you touch it yourself can you feel the quality. Especially for doors and windows, touch is an essential step. Of course, touch and knock can be matched. First touch surface: with or without particles, scratches and ups and downs; Two-touch corner: with or without burrs and gaps; Three-touch rubber strip: whether it is loose or not; Four knock surface: there is no abnormal sound, the quality is good, the product with sufficient materials is generally sound thick Three Switches

想要买到好门窗,这七字口诀你必须了解! switching doors and windows is also an important step to judge the quality of doors and windows. About sliding door push-pull smooth sound is small and has a sense of load-bearing is a good product. If push-pull is very laborious, and it is like running a train, it means that there is a problem in product design or production adjustment, if the push and pull are too light, the material is insufficient. Casement window open the experience inside and outside, if it is light and without abnormal sound, it is better. Whether the switch handle rotates flexibly. If the internal and external switches are not properly adjusted or the hardware accessories are not up to standard, another reason is that the design opening position is too large to cause heavy load, which is unreasonable. [This article is reprinted from the public number of the door and window meeting. Only information is transmitted. Please contact us to delete the infringement]] Edit: doors and windows online-Yanzi