Door and Window Joining Agent Fraud

The momentum of the door and window industry is just right, and it is becoming more and more prosperous, so many entrepreneurial investors want to join in to share this "big cake", but is the door and window business really so easy to do? Let's talk about whether the business is good or not. First of all, it is not easy to join doors and windows. It is easy to fall into the misunderstanding and fraud of joining doors and windows, then the editor will reveal the misunderstanding that doors and windows are the easiest to enter!

I. Door and window OEM production, eager to sign

Many irregular doors and windows enterprises will find cheap doors and windows enterprises to do after receiving orders, imitate other people's styles and use inferior materials, then use the excuse of high cost performance to cheat doors and windows franchisees, and then use various words to induce franchisees to sign and pay, and use one-time payment. Therefore, at this time, entrepreneurs have entered the misunderstanding or fraud of joining. Formal door and window enterprises will not force or induce franchisees to sign orders. Therefore, door and window franchisees should carefully distinguish them so as not to enter the misunderstanding and cause losses.

II. Concealment of doors and windows enterprises

For this kind of door and window enterprises, franchisees may feel relatively formal when they go to the factory for inspection. For example, some door and window factories are parked in famous cars downstairs, and the boss is full of style, and his colleagues are also very attentive. However, such doors and windows enterprises have great strength on the surface, which makes franchisees believe it, so they are easily confused by such superficial phenomena. But franchisees should think carefully, if a very powerful company, will they find a franchisee to cooperate casually? Although it is not 100%, it is very likely that such enterprises have problems in some aspects, so the doors and windows franchisees must observe carefully.

3. Small-scale door and window enterprises without brand awareness

For example, some doors and windows enterprises cannot find relevant materials and information on the Internet, or the website is updating, etc., they should have some concerns. If the door and window franchisee can know the business license and other information of the door and window enterprise in advance, you can go to the official website to check whether it is true or false, and you can see the comments on other websites. If these are all problems, then we should pay special attention to the joining of doors and windows. There must be some problems in such enterprises.

IV. The price of door and window products is far lower than that of the market, and the discount is too outrageous

Some small door and window enterprises may tempt door and window franchisees with various preferential discounts. Think about it carefully, since the price of doors and windows is already very low and the discount is so large, which is close to or lower than the cost price, can the doors and windows enterprises of such products do it? In such cases, it is suggested that franchisees choose relatively powerful and well-known door and window enterprises to cooperate. In short, when the prices of products produced by door and window enterprises are too different from those of similar products in the market, door and window franchisees should pay more attention.

V. Top Ten brand doors and windows are too far related to actual strength

In order to make money, some media have promoted a large number of top ten brands to the enterprises that give money on the Internet, but the real strength of the enterprises is far less than the top ten brands. Many joining agents easily believe the top ten brand enterprises reported on the Internet. This makes it easier for franchisees to increase their judgment.

In fact, as long as you look for the platform to join, look for the well-known door and window brands to join, carefully observe the joining information, and do not hold the mentality of getting cheaper, you can find the desired door and window brands to join. These are the misunderstandings and scams that are easy to enter when joining doors and windows. I hope that the vast number of entrepreneurial investors can open their eyes and don't easily believe some unreliable joining information!