Yihe Doors and Windows Teach You What Kind of Soundproof Doors and Windows Are Better?

Noise is a problem that cannot be underestimated for modern urban people. When the car on the road goes by, when the next-door neighbor walks around and makes a sound, when the bear child running and crying upstairs and downstairs, when the sound of washing the toilet in the middle of the night makes you lose sleep, when the decoration makes electric drill sound.......

These large and small noises are constantly coming, and our life is anxious, which also affects the quality of our life. How can we eliminate noise harassment to the greatest extent, and enjoy ourselves without affecting others? In fact, it is not as complicated as expected!



Noise is also calm, static is also different

the sound insulation effect of doors and windows is not good. The sound of car whistle, decoration and pipeline running water swarmed. How uncomfortable you are on the weekend when you want to have a good rest! This rare weekend was trapped in a bunch of unwanted noise!

Today, the editor will bring you the beauty of Yihe doors and windows sound insulation-a new integrated air-tight design, septuple embedded frame-wrapped fan structure, seamless frame-mounted fan, containing thinking on space aesthetics, sound insulation treatment, easy.


One-piece reinforced non-porous structure, full-angle opening sound insulation mode, equipped with 500000 anti-resonance silencer tracks, multiple covering modes, creating a natural, anti-interference and deep quiet space, touching people's hearts.

Smart sound insulation, meticulous

from construction site construction to car whistle, from couples next door to quarrel and children upstairs crying. Without a door and window with strong sound insulation and energy consumption and sealing, noise disturbance cannot be prevented. Especially when you are sleepy at night, the truck goes into the city and pushes you across the road, shaking you up suddenly from your sleep.

Aiming at the problem of sound insulation, Yihe doors and windows adopt a fully sealed multi-coating design, with a new coating mode and intelligent sound insulation. Yihe specializes in the design of "all-steel" glass, with extraordinary sound insulation processing capability and precise anti-disturbance natural appearance.


You like singing K. You have a new stereo worth tens of thousands of yuan. I really want to be at home! However, I am afraid that my neighbor will complain ..... I want to buy a piano for my child to learn music. However, the sound insulation effect is poor. How can I not affect my neighbor at home?

Yihe doors and windows innovation system Depth Noise supression technology, easy to get double the sound insulation effect of ordinary doors and windows, unique L-type rubber angle airtight structure, let you not bound by space, blooming wonderful beauty.