Meixin? How Can I Say It When It Starts? The King of China Steel Wooden Door"

With the acceleration of urbanization, the wooden door industry is booming, and the demand for wooden door products in the market is also gradually rising. Therefore, opening a wooden door franchise store is a good project. Wooden doors are full of brands, and it is difficult for many investors to choose. Join the housekeeper to recommend the "king of China Steel wooden door" beauty for everyone? Collapse? /div> Mexin Meixin ·? How can I send Ping Jigan for a long time? Human remains? /div> Company name: Meixin? How can I raise it?? /div> Brand name: Mexin Meixin ·? A long time? /div> Brand Source: Nan'an district, Chongqing Date of establishment: 2005 Store: 1000-3000 Investment promotion area: National blank area Enterprise Profile: Meixin initially focused on steel wooden door sales. After upgrading the product structure, Meixin ·? What? Waste, uh, long-term? Fan S push cattle? About the bank? Straw? Is the shore exhausted? Guy? middot ;? A long time to die? Waste? Anti-ethyl? Neon Yimao brand beer? /div> Meixin ranked first in steel wooden door market The predecessor of the brand was Meixin inner door, which was founded in 2002. At the beginning of its establishment, it was mainly produced and sold in steel wooden door. In the historical period when wooden doors all over the country are groping forward,? Long-term leg soaking: Lao mlai yunomu? How can I comment on ballasturui?? Fenji? ?? Scabbard? F bang?? For more than 0 years, it has ranked first in China's steel wooden door market, far ahead of other steel wooden door brands in the country. 木门加盟 (Image Source: Network, invasion and deletion) Meixin ·? Are you afraid of being embarrassed for a long time? How about the bank? /div> In recent years, the company has actively adjusted its product structure and upgraded its technology. In China, it took the lead in developing 45mm thick wooden doors, Lehuo ecological wooden doors, ANYA wooden doors, Grammy wooden doors and other product series that lead the trend of Chinese wooden doors. 2016,? I swear to be a long time, and I will return to you. (1) Are you lazy? Zhuzheng is different (IV) licked? Do you want to steal Xie fan S? Penalty? About? How can I meet you? Brown? Shi feed U Sapporo steal surname hinge round thirsty? Yudui? ldquo; The king of China's steel wooden door has taken a solid step in paint door and customization of full set furniture fields. Mexin美心·?崩誓久偶用? src= (图片来源:网络,侵删) 加盟点评:美心·?崩誓久攀切幸道锊?废咦畛ぃ?防嘧钇肴?钠放疲?竦昧宋奘?馊伲??昧斯愦笙?颜叩娜峡桑?≡衩佬?middot;?崩誓久攀潜冉喜淮淼拇匆迪钅俊?/div> 美心·?崩誓久偶用朔龀职?ㄊ裁矗?/div> 1、标准的专卖店VI形象、参照公司设计装修标准享受扶持; 2、专卖店建设专业指导、团队培训、导购培训; 3、标准的专卖店享受公司开业广宣品支持; 4、专卖店标准户外广告享受公司扶持; 5、专卖店享受公司大型节点促销支持。 美心·?崩誓久偶用颂跫?心男??/div> 具备较强资金实力和社会资源,商业信誉良好。 4、5、专卖店由公司统一设计、参照公司标准VI装修、所有样品由公司统一安排、客户享有20%更改。 6、经营者年龄20-45周岁。 评测总结:美心?崩始用说曜钚⌒枰?0平的面积,美心·?崩誓久挪?废叻岣唬?谐】诒?己茫?竦弥诙啻匆嫡叩那囗?C佬?middot;?崩誓久欧叛畚蠢矗?鹑日心即?砩蹋?用巳认撸?00-0618-777,前路锦簇,美心·?崩誓久叛???次蠢础?/div> 编辑:门窗在线——湘湘

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