315 "Real Brand" Door and Window Enterprises Anti-Counterfeiting "Fake Brand"


The annual 315 is coming. For the door and window market, some "fake brand" doors and windows mislead consumers under the guise of "real brand" brand enterprises. If you are not careful, consumers are really caught in the trap of these illegal merchants.

At present, what form does the "pseudo" phenomenon of door and window brands exist in? The brand should be the most appropriate adjective. In order to seize the market development, some enterprises take shortcuts and dress up their brands in disguise. Fake brands have emerged, making real brands deeply popular in the seven seas.

In some "blacklists" published by the State Quality Inspection Bureau, the proportion of these "famous brands" is not low, and it is also frequently seen in consumers' complaints about product quality problems. Originally, it had nothing to do with the brand, but it happened that the real brand was "shanzhai" on the trademark or enterprise name, trying every means to get involved with the brand enterprise, which seriously affected the healthy development of the door and window industry.

The spread and breeding of these fake brands not only affects the fair competition of real brands, but also misleads consumers. In an online survey conducted by Chinese doors and windows brands, 33.3 percent of netizens said they had bought "famous brand" products; 50.0 of netizens think that the attraction of "famous brand" lies in its "famous brand" effect, which can satisfy people's psychology of pursuing famous brand. 33.3% of netizens think that the discount promotion of "famous brand, the low price of goods will attract people's attention; For the same kind of goods, 83.3% of netizens choose real famous brands, and 16.7% of netizens choose" near famous brands "; among the netizens who have bought" famous brand "products, 50.0 percent of the reasons are that" the product design counterfeit famous brand, and the quality is reasonable ", 33.3% think that" you can have a "famous brand" at a cheap price ".

Anti-counterfeiting measures
It is reported that Weimei group submitted a special proposal "suggestions on severely cracking down on" Famous brands "to promote the transformation and upgrading of independent innovation of enterprises" during the National People's Congress Congress in March, and obtained the National People's Congress, the Supreme People's Court, the attention and reply of many legislative and law enforcement agencies such as the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.
Here, China doors and windows brand Network also once again appeals to major brand enterprises and consumers to actively report the situation of related fake brands, contributing to creating a good market environment for the doors and windows industry.