Is the Glue Used to Install Glass Poisonous? Silicon Sealant How to Remove the Smell

Silicon sealant is a material that binds and seals all kinds of glass with other base materials. When decorating, there will be odor after using silicon sealant. Someone asked, is the glue installed with glass poisonous? How to remove the smell?


Is the glue used to install glass poisonous?

1. Silicon sealant is not poisonous, but the gas volatilized during the curing process of silicon sealant still has certain toxicity. If silicon sealant is used at home, remember that it is best not to use it around children, it is not easy for children and women to breathe toxic gases.

2. Silicon sealant it is a kind of adhesive and sealant. Silicon sealant it can be bonded and sealed with all kinds of glass and other materials, of which Sodium silicate is viscous, and this kind is easily soluble in water, which belongs to a relatively convenient adhesive.

3. Silicon sealant it can be divided into acidic and alkaline. Generally speaking, such acidic silicon sealant will release irritant gas during curing, which will easily irritate human eyes and respiratory tract. If it is alcohol neutral glue, it may release methanol during curing. I believe everyone knows how much harm methanol brings to human body, so we must pay special attention to it when using it.


(The image is from the Internet and deleted)

silicon sealant how to remove the smell

1. Open the window for ventilation. If the decoration is just over, the silicon sealant of the room will be very thick, and any treatment method will not take effect soon. In contrast, window ventilation is the most effective method. Through air convection, the main indoor pollutants will be put outdoors as soon as possible. Open windows also need to choose the length of time according to the season. During spring and autumn, the wind is strong, the indoor and outdoor air circulation is fast, and two or three passes are almost the same. Summer and winter will take longer, and it will be about a week. In addition, in order to accelerate indoor and outdoor air exchange, you can also use electric fans to blow.

2. Activated Carbon adsorption. Activated carbon is a substance with strong adsorbability, which can remove peculiar smell in water and air. However, it should be noted that harmful gases can only be absorbed when air passes through activated carbon, therefore, we should pay attention to the placement position of activated carbon and replace it in time, because the adsorption capacity of activated carbon is also limited.

3. Use flowers and plants. The method of slowly absorbing is also a good method. For example, the first is flowers and plants, such as Chlorophytum, cactus, green plants, etc., all have certain odor absorption effect, which can not only eliminate harmful substances in the air, it can also beautify the environment; But it takes a longer time.