How Can I Prevent Being Cheated When I Buy Broken Bridge Aluminum?

Nowadays, many friends will choose broken bridge aluminum for the decoration of doors and windows, but we still need to pay attention to the method for the purchase of broken bridge aluminum. Many friends think it is very simple to buy broken bridge aluminum, so it is OK to go to the decoration market to buy, in fact, many consumers who bought broken bridge aluminum were cheated. How can I prevent being cheated when I buy broken bridge aluminum? The old master taught you five tricks to make you spend too much money less. Let's learn about it.

1. How to prevent being cheated when buying broken bridge aluminum?

1. Color

only Broken Bridge aluminum profiles have white batch materials, while other materials are metallic colors of aluminum alloy. The manufacturer claims that it is the black Electrostatic spraying part on the outside of the profiles. After scraping the Electrostatic spraying layer with hard objects, the white one is broken bridge aluminum, this is different from other profiles.

2. Look at the surface quality of the profile

the quality of the Broken Bridge aluminum profile can be observed from its surface. The surface of the good Broken Bridge aluminum profile is glossy and textured, and the surface spraying color treatment will also be natural, and it feels smooth when looking at it. Broken bridge aluminum doors and windows the poor quality is mainly manifested in: The surface is rough and dull. After using it for a period of time, discoloration or fading will occur, and the color is not full.

3. Look at the heat insulation strip

in the broken bridge aluminum window, the heat insulation strip is also a very important part. The damage of the heat insulation strip directly affects the service life of broken bridge aluminum, and the good heat insulation strip has good effects of wind resistance, sand prevention, sound insulation and rain prevention. Generally, it is better to use PA66 nylon strip for the insulation strip of broken bridge aluminum profile, because the insulation strip of PA66 nylon can bear a certain weight. And in terms of color, pure black is a relatively good material, and there are no concave and convex spots on the surface and no pungent smell. Such heat insulation strips will be better. Broken Bridge aluminum of the brand's heat insulation strips are PA66 nylon heat insulation strips, which are consistent with aluminum alloy linear expansion coeffcient, durable and not easy to age. Generally, broken bridge aluminum of the insulation strips of brands have electronic coding, which is also an important method to distinguish true and false brands broken bridge aluminum.

4. Look at hardware

use broken bridge aluminum, hardware is also very important, suitable hardware can be matched with broken bridge aluminum to make your balcony more perfect, poor quality hardware, under the weight of broken bridge aluminum fans and hollow glass, it will be used for Casement falling after a period of time.

5. Look at the wall thickness

when we buy broken bridge aluminum windows of building materials, we should first look at the wall thickness of broken bridge aluminum windows? Generally, the wall thickness of a qualified broken bridge aluminum window should be greater than or equal to 1.4, which is also the national standard wall thickness. Broken Bridge aluminum the wall thickness will vary depending on the series of windows. Generally, the thickness of 60 series is 1.2 mm-1.8mm, there are 55 series profiles, and relatively large windows can use broken bridge aluminum windows with 70 or 75 profiles, depending on users' personal needs.

(Image Source: Red oak doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

2. What are the skills to buy broken bridge aluminum?

Selection broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, its closure is also very important. Inferior broken bridge aluminum doors and windows the sealing property of the window is very poor. After using it for a long time, a lot of dust will accumulate on the window, which will hinder the opening and closing of the window and is not easy to clean.

Secondly, the selection of doors and windows depends on whether there are any flaws in the joint of the windows. You must carefully check whether the links of the windows are firm. Otherwise, problems will appear one after another after a period of time,

generally good Broken Bridge aluminum materials, after it is used for a period of time, there will be no rough peeling on the surface. If there is such a phenomenon, or we have already discovered it when we bought it, then it must be inferior products.

III, broken bridge aluminum doors and windows how much is it per square meter?

In fact, broken bridge aluminum windows do not have a very accurate value, because the consumption level and economic value of each region are different, and each user's door and window needs are also different, such as door and window brands, the area of the window, the way of opening the window and the grade of hardware accessories directly affect the price of the window.

Generally, the market price of customized doors and windows is 3 square meters. If there is no more than 3 square meters, it is convenient to price 3 square meters. This is a unified standard in the industry, the low-end broken bridge aluminum window is about 500-700 yuan/square; The mid-end broken bridge aluminum window is about 600-800 yuan/square; The high-end broken bridge aluminum window is about 900-1200 yuan/square, of course, brand, hardware, the difference between wall thickness and price is also big.

For the purchase of broken bridge aluminum, we still need to pay attention to choosing according to our own needs. It is suggested that we still need to choose broken bridge aluminum with guaranteed quality in the correct and formal decoration market. For the decoration of doors and windows, we can carry out the decoration design according to the decoration style of our own family. The overall design looks unified and coordinated, which can also improve the overall decoration effect of the interior.