Do You Know How to Choose the Sunshine Room?

A house facing south may not be able to see sunshine. When you buy a house, it may have Sunshine. When you live, the sunshine may be covered. If you are eager to enjoy the sunshine in the room, what should you pay attention to when buying a house?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify two easily misunderstood nouns, namely "Sunshine" and "lighting". These are two related but different concepts. A bedroom can get natural light as long as the window is opened, which is lighting. But opening the window does not necessarily lead to sunshine. Sunshine is the sunlight that the bedroom gets from the window, and its quality is reflected by the sunshine hours and angles. Generally speaking, the farther the distance between buildings, the higher the floor, the more sunlight the house gets and the more light it shines. Therefore, there is an old saying among people who buy houses, "Buy high or not low, buy East or not" is to choose high-rise and low-rise rooms, east facing and west facing rooms choose east facing.

Secondly, if you want to get enough sunshine, you should also pay attention to the location of the House and the choice of floors. At present, most of the commercial houses being sold are futures houses, which can only be seen in drawings and sand tables. Here remind you that it is not reliable to only look at the sleeve map provided by the developer. The whole floor plan should be required to clearly see the location of the selected House in the whole floor, at the same time, pay attention to the surrounding shelter. Some buildings, if seen alone, have enough sunshine for each family, but in fact, some houses may not be illuminated because of the surrounding shelter. At the same time, it should also be noted that although some bedrooms or balconies are facing the right South, the sun is blocked by adjacent walls due to the "step" shape on one side of the room type; in order to increase the lighting surface of some buildings, some room windows or balconies are made very deep and recessed into the walls, which will also directly affect the lighting and sunshine.

Third, when signing the contract, you should pay attention to protecting your right to enjoy the sunshine. Because the futures House is dynamic, the longer the construction time, the more problems will be encountered and the greater the possibility of new situations. When signing a house purchase contract, you should write down the most valuable part in the relevant terms or supplementary agreements, and carefully keep all kinds of important original documents, house house type images, sand table photos of the community, etc. It is better to determine all this in the contract and seek legal protection on this basis.

(Image Source: Lei ban doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)