How to Solve the Winter Window Drain? Winter Window Sill with Water Solution

In Hunan, Hubei and other places, water vapor can always be found on the windows in winter, and even water flows from the windows to the windowsill. So how to solve the problem of window water in winter? Let's have a look.


(Image Source: Network, invasion and deletion)

how to solve the winter window drain?

You can go to the market or buy some special cotton boards for window moldy walls through online stores. According to the instructions provided by the product, readers can add thermal insulation materials to the window at home to improve the thermal insulation performance of the window, reduce the chance of window water.

If there is water on the glass, you can use a towel or an old newspaper to wipe it on the glass, and the water on the glass will be easily removed. If you want to prevent the window glass from getting water, you can use the antifogging agent specially used for the window to solve it. Operation method: clean the glass wiper first, and then spray the antifogging agent evenly on the glass inside the home, in this way, there will be no water on the glass; You can also use soap water or detergent water for window cleaning. After wiping the glass with soap water or detergent water, when the glass is dry, there will be a protective film on it, in this way, water mist will not appear on the glass.


(Image Source: Network, invasion and deletion)

daily maintenance of windows

1. Check and repair the tightness

first of all, in daily life, we should always check the tightness of the window, especially whether its balance hole is blocked, because its blockage will directly affect the window frame and the drainage of Casement, in addition, when it rains, be sure to check whether the frame joints of the window are loose and deformed everywhere. If problems are found, replace the repair cementing in time to avoid affecting the stability and tightness of the window.

2. Clean up more at ordinary times

secondly, we should attach great importance to the cleaning of the window track. At ordinary times, we can use a brush to clean the dust and sand particles in the window frame, and also use a towel with soap and water to clean the window frame and the track, avoid rusting on the surface and unsmooth sliding of doors and windows.

3. Precautions for use of doors and windows

finally, when using doors and windows, we should pay attention to certain usage methods to make the service life of Windows longer. For example, when pushing Casement, we should push the middle and lower part of Casement; casement window households should not push the glass too hard to prevent the glass from loosening; Usually, the window frame should not collide with hard objects to avoid deformation and affecting the rainproof ability.