Nuofite Doors and Windows: What Made Us Choose to Close the Balcony?

What does house mean to us? Does it bring burden and binding to life, or can it gain a sense of security and belonging?

But in any case, everyone will always make some changes to make their living place more comfortable.

Living in modern towns, perfect supporting facilities have brought great convenience to our life, but at the same time they have brought some new problems to our life.


Mosquitoes enter the room, causing red and itchy skin due to bites; The rain splashes, the ground is slippery and easy to fall down, leaving water marks after drying up; The dust is flying and attached to the surface of furniture ornaments, increasing the cleaning burden; Noise interference, affect normal work and rest....... These phenomena caused by nature or human beings are constantly invading our indoor space, which will undoubtedly bring many troubles to life and even cause irreversible harm to physical health in serious cases.

Faced with this situation, the open balcony seems to have become a "breakthrough" in the home, causing some minor troubles to the home life.

In some large and medium-sized houses and some small houses, there are often two or more balconies. However, in real life, a balcony can meet the needs of placing washing machines, installing washstand, serving flowers and plants, drying clothes and bedding. Different from the bedroom and bathroom, the two balconies with the same function are like chicken ribs, find it tasteless, but it is a pity to abandon them.




In the House of "an inch of land and an inch of Gold", the area of each square meter should be fully utilized to reduce unnecessary functional overlap in different areas as much as possible. Therefore, in recent years, more and more owners choose to close the balcony to resist the invasion of adverse factors of the external environment, and transform it into functional areas such as fitness, studio, botanical garden, etc.

After some careful thinking and determination to close the balcony, many owners and friends will encounter a distressing multiple choice question-whether to use casement window or sliding window?


Under the condition of the same level, the tightness and sound insulation of casement window are generally better, but the inner casement window will occupy the indoor space, making it inconvenient to use curtains, and at the same time, there is also a risk of injury caused by accidentally bumping corner of the window; for medium and high floors, large wind speed and wind pressure will have a significant impact on casement window of the external hinge and other load-bearing hardware. At the same time, it may also be banned by the property because it affects the overall sense of the building.


The advantage of sliding window is that it does not occupy indoor space and the light extraction rate will be higher. However, its opening area will be affected by the number of tracks and cannot be fully opened.

In today's era, there is no doubt about the importance of product performance. It is related to the use effect for a long time in the future, which also adds a lot of concerns to some owners who originally favored sliding window.


Faced with this dilemma, nuofite engineers tried their best to break the limitation of technology frame in the past, and successfully developed the Alpha Alpha frame which not only has a sealing structure of casement window, but also can be opened with push-pull ", it successfully ended the selection difficulties of casement window and sliding window and created an unprecedented product for consumers.


The last month of 2020 coincided with the Double 12 shopping carnival, and the doors and windows of nuofite launched the promotion of "12.12 brand price to the year-end crazy grab. During the event, the owner will enjoy the discount of RMB 4.9 off for Hubble series 113 broken bridge sliding window upon entry, free star rating measure gauge and design services for limited time, and limited mysterious gifts will be given when entering the store!

Year-end event


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