How to Solve the Pain Points of Choosing Doors and Windows? Key Points of Door and Window Purchase

Decoration is a headache. Decoration style, decoration materials, styles, brands, performance, craftsmanship and other aspects need to be refined and compared with goods. For the purchase of doors and windows, it also makes many friends in distress. Today, I will share with you the knowledge points of choosing doors and windows.

I. What are system doors and windows?

All components of system doors and windows have been fixed according to different performances, and the selection space is relatively small compared with ordinary doors and windows. Therefore, flexible school system doors and windows are serialized and standardized products, with notch structure, material Supply has strong exclusivity and incompatibility, and can only choose series according to the needs of the project. Generally, it will not carry out research and development on individual projects.

II. What are ordinary doors and windows?

It is to order different parts for assembly according to their own needs, but there will be some problems in the process of using, and the stability is relatively poor. Ordinary doors and windows are temporary integrated doors and windows products for a single project, which are often not tested in all aspects.


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3. How to purchase correctly?

1. Is the quality of doors and windows excellent?

Customary quality good doors and windows are more guaranteed in sound insulation effect, sealing performance, flame retardant and other aspects, and the service life is longer than that of ordinary doors and windows.

System windows pursue strict standards in terms of water tightness, air tightness, sound insulation, heat insulation, wind pressure resistance and anti-theft.

2. Quality and installation process of door and window accessories

in addition to the materials and manufacturing quality of doors and windows, attention should also be paid to whether the quality of hardware and sealing strips selected for doors and windows is excellent, and how the assembly quality of doors and windows is, because these all directly affect the service life of doors and windows.

3. Door and window purchase should be coordinated with home decoration style

if the doors and windows are not in harmony with the style of home decoration, it will be very abrupt. When the living environment is warm, the relative door can choose warm color system; When the living environment is cold color, the relative door should choose lighter color.

Doors and windows should be close to the color of furniture, but there should be corresponding contrast with the color of wall. For example, it is better to use white wooden doors to color wall paint. Only in this way can the room be layered, not too monotonous, and also make the room feel particularly fresh.


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4. The northern climate should be considered when purchasing doors and windows.

There are obvious changes in the four seasons in the northern region and many sandstorms; Considering the characteristics of the northern climate, there are some local regulations on the use of doors and windows, such as: the limit for the use of buildings above 7 floors is outwards opening window. The main thing is that summer is stuffy and winter is cold, so a door and window with good effect of heat insulation can bring a lot of comfort to the living room and save a lot of energy consumption. In addition, according to the survey, the North uses broken bridge aluminum doors and windows compared with the room using plastic steel doors and windows, the indoor temperature is Ke Gao 4-5 degrees in winter. There are many double-layer glass in the northern region. If there are special requirements such as sound insulation, you can choose Triplex glass. Such sound insulation, better heat insulation effect.

Through the detailed introduction of the above points, do you have a different understanding of the purchase of doors and windows? You should know that the purchase of home building materials pays more attention to quality, not just beauty. I hope the above knowledge sharing can help you!