Escalade Door Industry Franchise Fee How to Join Escalade Door Industry to Open a Store

Escalade door industry is a brand of Yongkang jubaoduo Stainless Steel Products Co., Ltd. It has been adhering to the business philosophy of providing consumers with the best quality products and services for many years, with its main steel wooden door, it has laid a large JS in the market and become a hot commodity in the market. The strength of escalade door industry cannot be underestimated. As the market share of escalade door industry increases year by year, its popularity also increases, becoming a potential investment project. If you want to invest in the Escalade door industry, you need the franchise fee of the Escalade door industry. The joining fee of escalade door industry includes store decoration fee, sample fee, equipment fee, store rent, opening fee, employee salary, water and electricity fee, working capital, etc., with a total investment of 20~500000 yuan. Because each investor's store size and City consumption capacity will affect the investment amount, what is mentioned here is only an estimated value, and the specific situation should be combined with the actual situation. 微信截图_20201222094413 (Image Source: Escalade official website, invasion and deletion) If you can afford this franchise fee, you need to know how to join the shop of escalade door industry? 1 consultation and understanding This is actually what every investor must do in the early stage of investment. With the increasing number of door and window brands in the market, investors often do not know how to choose from many brands. Therefore, they need to obtain information through various channels such as the introduction of people around them, online information collection, customer service consultation, etc., and then sort out and compare the information according to their actual situation, determine whether you are suitable to join the Escalade door industry. If you confirm joining, you can submit an intention application. 2 Headquarters review If your application is approved, you will be invited to visit the headquarters of escalade door industry and conduct detailed communication and negotiation with the merchants. In this process, you can carefully understand the franchise policy of escalade door industry. If both parties have no objection, they can sign a formal contract. 3 contract payment After the two parties reach a cooperation agreement, investors need to pay a certain franchise fee in accordance with the provisions of the contract. 4 preparation for opening Under the guidance of escalade door industry, investors will make shop site selection, decoration, product samples, personnel training, opening activity planning, etc., and make preparations for opening. 5 Grand Opening Investors choose a good day to officially open, and Escalade headquarters will continue to provide help and guidance to franchisees in subsequent operations. As a large chain brand in the door and window industry, Escalade door industry has rich experience to help every franchisee start a business and set up a shop and embark on the road to success. Interested parties are welcome to inquire. Edit: doors and windows online-green radish