What Are the Contact Phone Number and Manufacturer Address of Roland Sini System Doors and Windows Respectively?

What is the contact number and manufacturer address of the doors and windows of Roland Sini sound insulation system? To join doors and windows, choosing the right brand is the key. Roland Sini doors and windows have been deeply engaged in the industry for 12 years. Brand strength and brand influence all belong to the first class in the industry and are well recognized by the industry and market. Many dealers have seen the business opportunities brought by Roland Sini doors and windows, if you want to know the brand information about Roland Sini doors and windows, let's learn about it!

What are the main products of Roland Sini doors and windows?

Roland Sini has been focusing on high-end aluminum alloy system doors and windows, Sunshine Room and curtain wall system. The products are widely used in high-end home decoration, hotels, clubs, villas, etc.


(The picture comes from the official website of Roland Sini doors and windows, which is invaded and deleted)

is the production strength of Roland Sini doors and windows strong?

In 2020, Roland Sini doors and windows Sanshui intelligent manufacturing production base was officially opened, with a construction area of 100000 square meters and an annual output of 1 million square meters. Through industrialization and informatization, the European system doors and windows automation production line was introduced, take the lead in entering the era of intelligent manufacturing in door and window Industry 4.0.

What is the research and development strength of Roland Sini doors and windows?

Roland Sini is the reference unit of the national standard for system doors and windows, general technical conditions for system doors and windows, basic technical requirements for building doors and windows and curtain wall products and products, and has more than 10 system casement window technical patents, for four consecutive years, he won the Oscar "Wild Goose Award" in the home industry, serving tens of thousands of high-end users every year.

What is the contact number and manufacturer address of Roland Sini doors and windows?

The address of the manufacturer is located in Area D, Yilong road, Lubu Industrial Park, Sanshui district, Foshan city, Guangdong province.

Is there any joining policy support for Roland Sini doors and windows?

1. Material support: new store samples, sample discounts, promotional materials and other material support.

2. Decoration subsidy: free store design and high decoration fund subsidy.

3. Advertising support: National Media advertising support.

4. Activity support: promotion materials, promotional gifts, large promotion settlement offers and other activities support.

5. Training support: Roland Sini business school provides training services for distributors and their teams from time to time.

6. Marketing support: comprehensive marketing plan and rebate policy support.

Roland Sini doors and windows business witness:


(The picture comes from the official website of Roland Sini doors and windows, which is invaded and deleted)

roland Sini has cultivated the door and window industry for 12 years, accumulating strong brand strength and a set of mature and sound business ecological model, which not only supports the continuous development of the brand, it also creates a highly competitive business platform for the majority of distributors. Friends who want to seize the wealth business opportunity, leave a message to get more projects investment information about Roland Sini doors and windows!

  • Door and Window Brand Network is a website for the broken bridge aluminum alloy door and window industry, specializing in providing China's broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, aluminum alloy doors and windows, aluminum clad wooden doors and windows, top ten brands of doors and windows, top ten brands of aluminum alloy doors and windows, and other series of products. The top ten brands of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows and aluminum alloy doors and windows are selected, with comprehensive information on product prices.

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