Is It Necessary to Choose Anacoustic for Doors and Windows?

In order to reduce the noise pollution in the city, the government has taken a number of measures to alleviate the noise problem to some extent, but many citizens are still not satisfied. Pursuing a quieter living environment, soundproof doors and windows can help you isolate all kinds of interruptions and restore peace to your home. So how to choose soundproof doors and windows?

Aluminum alloy doors and windows generally believe that the sound insulation effect of aluminum doors and windows is not good, but in fact, aluminum doors and windows have made great improvements in sealing and sound insulation performance. Some aluminum doors and windows products on the market adopt different glass combination structures according to the resonance transmission principle of sound waves and lotus root cooperation, thus enhancing the sound insulation effect.

The aluminium windows of dyeing power is strong. After special processing, it can make effects such as imitation wood grain and imitation granite, making the appearance color of doors and windows more beautiful and colorful, which is suitable for people's different decoration requirements.

(Image Source: Network, invasion and deletion)

sound insulation doors and windows

1. Window frame

developers generally use aluminum alloy, but aluminum alloy is a single cavity with relatively thin walls, and the sound is easy to penetrate, while the multi-cavity plastic steel profiles have thicker walls than aluminum alloy, sound is not easy to penetrate.

2. Sound deadening strip

most of the developers choose aluminum window frame with rubber sound deadening strip or wool sound deadening strip, but wool sound deadening strip is easy to remove hair after being used for a long time, and rubber becomes hard and aging after being used for a long time, therefore, sound deadening strip should not only prevent aging but also maintain toughness.

Soundproof doors and windows are of great help to everyone. I hope owners can choose soundproof doors and windows suitable for themselves when decorating the house.