Buy Doors and Windows Must See! System Doors and Windows, Ordinary Doors and Windows, How to Identify and Purchase?

When we buy doors and windows, we often face many problems, such as too many kinds of difficult choices and too strong professionalism to understand. In order to solve this problem, today we will go deep into the shallow, and tell you about the two categories of doors and windows, as well as the matters needing attention for consumers to purchase doors and windows and check doors and windows. nce="true" class="jsx-303514326 image-wrap"> nce = "true" class = "jsx-303514326 pictureBottomBtn"> open Tencent news to see more pictures> Differences between system doors and windows and common doors and windows System doors and windows: With its own independent technical department, it will conduct strict tests and inspections on all components of system doors and windows. After 2 to 3 years of research and development of system doors and windows, the performance and quality of materials and doors and windows are comprehensively tested, and mature products are launched after reaching the expected goal, so the matching of various components is very good, failure is not easy. All components of system doors and windows have been fixed according to different performances, and the selection space is relatively small compared with ordinary doors and windows. Therefore, flexible school system doors and windows are serialized and standardized products, with notch structure, material Supply has strong exclusivity and incompatibility, and can only choose series according to the needs of the project. Generally, it will not carry out research and development on individual projects. nce="true" class="jsx-303514326 image-wrap"> ordinary doors and windows: It is to order different parts for assembly according to their own needs, but there will be some problems in the process of using, and the stability is relatively poor. Ordinary doors and windows are temporary integrated doors and windows products for a single project, which are often not fully tested. Ordinary doors and windows can flexibly configure their own components according to their own needs. Common door and window materials can be selected by domestic and foreign manufacturers, or temporary mold opening, with strong flexibility. nce="true" class="jsx-303514326 image-wrap"> precautions for purchasing doors and windows 1. Check whether the materials of doors and windows are green and environmentally friendly Because the materials of doors and windows themselves cannot have radiation, they also need to effectively block ultraviolet rays. While too much sunlight brings natural light to people through the windows, human body is exposed to too much ultraviolet radiation, which will damage health to some extent. Therefore, it is very important whether the door and window materials are green and environmentally friendly. 2. Check whether the quality of doors and windows is excellent Customary quality good doors and windows are more guaranteed in sound insulation effect, sealing performance, flame retardant and other aspects, and the service life is longer than that of ordinary doors and windows. When choosing plastic steel doors and windows, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of profiles. Generally, high-grade profiles with bright and clean surface and green white surface are used. Because the formula contains anti-aging and anti-ultraviolet additives, therefore, even if the climate condition is poor, it can ensure that there is no aging and deformation in three to five years. nce="true" class="jsx-303514326 image-wrap"> 3. Look at the quality and installation process of door and window accessories In addition to the materials and manufacturing quality of doors and windows, attention should also be paid to whether the quality of hardware and sealing strips selected for doors and windows is excellent, and how the assembly quality of doors and windows is, because these all directly affect the service life of doors and windows. 4. Door and window purchase should be coordinated with home decoration style If the doors and windows are not in harmony with the style of home decoration, it will be very abrupt. When the living environment is warm, the relative door can choose warm color system; When the living environment is cold color, the relative door should choose lighter color. In addition, doors and windows should be closer to the color of the furniture, but there should be a corresponding contrast with the color of the wall. For example, it is better to color wall paint with white wooden doors. Only in this way can the room be layered, not too monotonous, and also make the room feel particularly fresh. nce="true" class="jsx-303514326 image-wrap"> 5. The difference between the South and the North should be considered when purchasing doors and windows. The southern climate is humid and relatively humid, especially in coastal areas, besides wet and cold, there are typhoon and other climate, usually there are many typhoons, with heavy rainfall and very humid. Therefore, doors and windows in the southern region should first be superior to other door and window products in terms of wind pressure resistance and watertightness. At the same time, the southern region is wet and cold, and there is a return to the southern sky. In view of this, it is necessary to ensure that the selected doors and windows have proper thermal insulation performance. There are obvious changes in the four seasons and many sandstorms in northern China; Considering the characteristics of northern climate, there are some local regulations on the use of doors and windows, such as: the limit for the use of buildings above 7 floors is outwards opening window. The most important thing is that summer is stuffy and winter is cold, so a door and window with good heat insulation effect can bring a lot of comfort to the living room and save a lot of energy consumption. In addition, according to the survey, the indoor temperature of the rooms using plastic steel doors and windows in the North is Ke Gao 4-5 degrees in winter than that using wooden doors and windows; The effect of using double-layer glass in the North is better. nce="true" class="jsx-303514326 image-wrap"> precautions for door and window acceptance 1. Pay attention to details in the acceptance of aluminum alloy doors and windows A. The installed aluminum alloy doors and windows should be closed tightly and the gap should be uniform; The deviation of parallelism between the doors and windows fan and the frame or the vertical edge of the adjacent fan should not exceed 2mm. The doors and windows should be opened flexibly and can be used freely. B. Push and pull the doors and windows. Check whether the slideway is installed smoothly. Pay attention to no concave-convex phenomenon. Gently push the doors and windows and slide freely. C. The vertical frame and horizontal frame of balcony aluminium windows must be firmly fixed on the balcony fence and the top of the balcony. Generally, fastener or pull rivet should be fixed in the concrete. When fixing, it should be reinforced with painted angle steel. D. The gap between the upper and lower slideways and the top guardrail should be filled with cement mortar to prevent rainwater from pouring into the room. E. The wall thickness of aluminum alloy window profile should not be less than 1.2mm, and the wall thickness of the door profile should not be less than 2mm. Aluminum Alloy door and window frame the fixed connection thickness with the wall should not be less than 1.5mm. 2. Check the appearance acceptance of doors and windows A. The doors and windows are pushed and pulled smoothly, the surface is smooth and clean, without serious scratches, profile deformation and chromatic aberration. B. The hardware accessories are complete, the position is correct, the installation is firm, and the bolt is closed AGANIPPE. C. Sealing quality. When doors and windows are closed, there is no obvious gap between the fan and the frame. The sealing strip is not loose, does not fall off or exposed. D. Door and window frame, the fan is vertical, not curved, and the Edge is neat. E. Glass has no pollution, no damage, double glass interlayer has no dust and moisture, and the separation strip is even. F. Whether the drainage hole is connected or not, the water will flow into the profile if it is not connected. nce="true" class="jsx-303514326 image-wrap"> 3. Check the use and acceptance of doors and windows A. Check the opening and use of doors and windows, including whether the opening and closing of doors and windows are stable and whether there is abnormal shaking after the doors and windows are locked. B. Close doors and windows to check air tightness and water tightness. C. Close the doors and windows and check whether the fitting of the doors and windows is accurate.