Which of Plastic Steel Windows and Broken Bridge Aluminum Is More Insulated? What Factors Are the Thermal Insulation Performance Related?

The windows installed in the family are mainly plastic steel windows and broken bridge aluminum windows. And at this stage, broken bridge aluminum windows have gradually replaced the traditional plastic-steel windows. So is it true that plastic steel windows are not as good as broken bridge aluminum windows? In fact, if we compare plastic steel windows with broken bridge aluminum windows, we should compare them from different angles. As for Windows, they should be selected from all aspects. If single angle comparison, then what is the situation? As an example, the following questions of household Miscellaneous jars are used to answer the problems of plastic steel windows and broken bridge aluminum windows insulation.

Which of plastic steel windows and broken bridge aluminum windows is warmer?

Which of plastic steel windows and broken bridge aluminum windows is warmer? In fact, this question is which of plastic steel windows and broken bridge aluminum windows is better in thermal insulation. The personal view given by the household magazine is that the plastic steel window and the broken bridge aluminum window have better thermal insulation effect when the profiles, glass and installation methods are consistent. Before comparing plastic steel windows with broken bridge aluminum windows, we need to figure out the following two problems.

①: the insulation effect of Windows depends on the final comprehensive performance of windows. Here we mainly observe the profile of the window and the glass of the window, which is a whole window. Finally, we should pay attention to the installation of Windows, that is, the sealing between window frames and walls.

②: When the specifications of plastic-steel windows and broken bridge aluminum window profiles are exactly the same as those of glass, we adopt the same installation method to install different windows on the opening. Then the difference is the profile itself of the plastic steel window and the broken bridge aluminum window. Because the installation method is the same, the glass is the same, then the difference is in the material of the profile itself.

Why are plastic-steel windows and broken bridge aluminum windows better insulated under the same type?

The thermal insulation of Windows mainly depends on three aspects, one is the thermal conductivity of profiles, the other is the thermal conductivity of glass, and the third is the installation. At this time, the thickness of the plastic steel window we chose is exactly the same as that of the Broken Bridge aluminum window. In addition, the glass used is exactly the same. For example, double-layer glass with air filled inside is used. In addition, when installing windows, it is a kind of installation method that is fixed with the wall, then foaming between the main frame and the wall, and finally sealing sealant. In this case, the insulation of plastic steel windows is better than that of aluminum alloy windows, that is, broken bridge aluminum windows. Why do you say that? The main reasons are as follows.

①: the difference of thermal conductivity of window frame materials leads to the difference of thermal insulation performance between the two. For the thermal conductivity of window profiles, this is mainly aimed at plastic steel windows and broken bridge aluminum. One of them is PVC profile, and the other is aluminum alloy profile. For aluminum alloy profiles, the thermal conductivity is about 203W/? . K, and the plastic steel window is PVC, and the thermal conductivity is about 0.16W/? . K. Here you will find that the thermal conductivity of PVC profile is 1/1250 of that of aluminum alloy. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of plastic-steel window profiles is more accurate.

②: the thermal conductivity of window movable sash frame is different. For Windows, apart from the main frame profile of my window, another difference is the profile of the movable fan. The profile of the movable fan of broken bridge aluminum window is aluminum alloy profile, while the profile of the movable fan of plastic steel window is PVC profile. The thermal conductivity between them is also very different at this time. In the movable fan, that is, our opening fan, the thermal conductivity of aluminum alloy is 6.21, and that of insulated aluminum alloy is 3.72. The thermal conductivity of PVC is 1.91. Therefore, the difference is also very large.

③: from the analysis of the overall thermal conductivity of the windows, we will also find that the performance of plastic-plastic steel windows is better than that of aluminum alloy. For example, our most common thermal insulation aluminum hollow glass is a kind of glass with broken bridge aluminum windows. Its thermal conductivity is 3.0~3.4W/? . K. The energy saving effect at this time is generally between 53% and 47%. In addition, if we use double-layer glass with plastic steel windows, its thermal conductivity is about 2.1~3.1W/? Between. K, the energy saving effect at this time will generally reach 66%~ 52%.

Comprehensive analysis: through the introduction of broken bridge aluminum windows and plastic steel windows in the above three points, you will find that when the specifications, models, glass and installation methods are the same, the performance of broken bridge aluminum windows is indeed worse than that of plastic steel windows. The main difference between them is actually appearing on the profile. Including the main frame profile of the window and the profile of the opening fan. However, if internal insulation strips are added, broken bridge aluminum of the Broken Bridge insulation strips will be added, and the performance of broken bridge aluminum will be improved. Therefore, although there are differences, they are all required for composite thermal insulation.

How to ensure the thermal insulation performance of Windows?

When we choose Windows, generally we don't have to worry about plastic steel windows or broken bridge aluminum windows. Because these two kinds of windows can meet the requirements as long as they are selected according to the requirements. What we focus on is how to achieve these qualified thermal insulation performance. Specific individuals provide you with the following three suggestions.

①: the thickness of the profile must meet the requirements. Whether we want to choose plastic steel windows or broken bridge aluminum windows, we must ensure the thickness of the profile, which can not only meet the heat insulation requirements, but also ensure the overall stability of the windows. For example, the most common point is that the thickness of broken bridge aluminum window-mounted profiles is not less than 1.2mm. If we actually buy it, try to buy 1.5mm. This effect will be very good.

②: The glass selection must be correct. For window glass, the most common is double-layer glass. The double-layer glass chosen by most of our families is ordinary air-filled double-layer glass. If we can choose LOW-E hollow glass, its heat insulation effect will be better. Because the thermal conductivity of LOW-E hollow glass is only 1.7, while the thermal conductivity of ordinary double-layer glass will reach 3.1. Of course, for northern regions, Triplex glass or four-layer glass should be selected according to the temperature conditions.

③: the installation of Windows must meet the specification requirements. Although we bought a very good window, if the installation is not good, the effect is also very poor. For example, in the winter windy season, our family always feels that cold air permeates around the window frame, which is actually caused by the problem of window installation. Therefore, for the installation of Windows, the main frame and the wall must have fixed points, then the main frame and the wall should be filled with Styrofoam, and finally sealant should be applied on the surface of Styrofoam, which will make the effect much better.


for plastic-steel windows and broken bridge aluminum windows, if only considering the effect of heat preservation, the performance of plastic-steel windows is indeed better for the same type of plastic-steel windows and broken bridge aluminum windows. But when we choose a window, we should consider it from the overall perspective. For example, we need to consider the stress of the window body, the service life and so on. Therefore, we must choose whether we choose plastic steel windows or broken bridge aluminum windows according to local conditions. In general, what is suitable is the best.

Text/Home magazine