What Should I Do If the Wooden Door Is Moldy? How to Prevent Wood Door Mildew?

Wooden door is one of the most used products in the home. For many families, the wooden door installed in the home has never paid attention to maintenance, and even the use environment is not paid attention to, resulting in moldy and rotten wooden doors in the home. Its solid wood door also needs careful care. Let's take a look at how to deal with the mildew of wooden doors and how to prevent it in the future!


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what should I do if the wooden door is moldy?

1. Quicklime

put lime powder in the gap between the door and the ground, or sprinkle a layer of lime powder on the moldy part of the door, which can absorb the water vapor inside the door.

2. Detergent

using a soft cloth to dip in the special cleaning agent and wipe the surface of the wooden door can form a protective film to prevent water vapor from penetrating into the interior of the wooden door.

3. Essential oil

use soft cloth dip neutral cleaning agent or special cleaning agent to wipe the moldy position, and then apply a layer of door wax or special essential oil on the moldy place.

How to prevent wood door mildew?

If the indoor humidity is too high, it is easy to produce mildew spots. Open more windows for ventilation, especially in sunny weather. Therefore, it is especially necessary to open windows. It is recommended to open windows when there is less water vapor in the evening. Also, don't use humidifier indoors. Although it can increase indoor humidity, it will make wooden doors moldy more easily. For wet weather, dehumidification can be carried out regularly.


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in rainy season and season with more southern wind, when cleaning wooden doors, you can use a clean soft towel to dip the special cleaning agent for taking wooden doors to wipe the small dust on the wooden doors, which can play the role of protective film, water vapor will not penetrate into the interior of the wooden door.


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in addition, you can also place some orange peel beside the wooden door. The fungus proofing effect is good. You can also put the box with quicklime in an inconspicuous place beside the wooden door, which can also play a dehumidification.