Back to Nantian, Moisture-Proof and Dehumidification Arvi Smart Doors and Windows Have a Wonderful Way!

After the Spring Festival, Guangdong, a city full of fog, returned to the south. This weather is mainly manifested in: dry clothes, stuffy air, floodwater on the ground, Misty doors and windows, damp furniture, food decay, etc.

"Going back to the southern sky" always makes people feel unhappy and wet everywhere. How should we deal with this disgusting weather? The following Arvi smart doors and windows are for everyone!

01. Closed doors and windows

when the wet "back to the southern sky" strikes, everyone must remember to close the doors and windows at home. The location of the doors and windows is an important way for moisture to enter the room. It must be closed and tightly closed, in this way, it is not easy for outdoor moisture to enter the room.

(Image Source: Arvi smart doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)

moisture-proof is mainly in the morning and evening. If you feel that the indoor air is stuffy, you can choose to open the window for ventilation at noon.

02. Use moisture-proof and moisture-absorbing products

put shoe box, activated carbon or desiccant in a confined space (such as drawer, dehumidification bag, wardrobe), and the moisture absorption effect is also very good.

(Image Source: Arvi smart doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)

03. Mop the floor with hot brine

this method can accelerate the evaporation of moisture. After dragging the ground, put some waste cartons or newspapers at the door of the house, so that the sole can reduce the moisture.

(Image Source: Arvi smart doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)

04. Dehumidifier

dehumidifier can not only dehumidify, but also be capable of clothes, but the price is high, thousands of yuan per piece. Therefore, whether to buy a dehumidifier or not depends on your budget.

(Image Source: Arvi smart doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)

05. Air conditioning dehumidification

air conditioning is a common household appliance for dehumidification. You can use the dehumidification mode in remote control and turn on the dehumidification function button (generally represented by water droplets) to remove moisture from the room. It is advocated to turn on the air conditioner to get wet in the humid season, and don't forget that the air conditioner itself also needs to be maintained and moistureproof.

(Image Source: Arvi smart doors and windows contribution, invasion and deletion)

the above is the moisture-proof and dehumidification strategy sorted out for you by Arvi smart doors and windows. I hope everyone can say goodbye to wet and make your home and mood refreshing!