How to Choose the Sunshine Room? Sunshine Room Shopping Skills

At present, there are many types of Sunshine houses on the market. People must find the right method when making choices, because only when they have mastered the right method, only in this way can we better ensure the quality and safety. Facing so many sunshine rooms in the market, how to buy Sunshine rooms? Let's learn together!


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i. Sunshine House brand

first of all, we can see the reputation and reputation of the manufacturer. No matter what product you buy, the brand is the first choice for the public, only when the quality, product performance and service reach a certain height in the industry can they have market share, and after-sales problems can also be solved reasonably.

II. Sunshine Room glass

the second step is to see whether the sunshine room glass is a secondary tempered glass or laminated glass with 3C compulsory safety certification. Some manufacturers use ordinary tempered glass to reduce the cost, which can reduce the cost by more than 45 yuan per square meter.

III. Sunshine Room Product Profiles

in the third step, we can carefully observe the technical quality index, color, thickness, smoothness, material of various spare parts, rationality, reliability, installation of structure, hand feeling of materials, etc.

IV. Working process of Sunshine Room

the fourth step is to look at the working process of the Sunshine Room manufacturer Yan Jin, with advanced technology. From the aspects of measurement, drawing, signing contracts, issuing formal bills, etc., there are special personnel in charge. In terms of measurement, considering the manufacturing and installation accuracy, professional manufacturers use high-precision level measuring instrument when measuring on-site.

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after reading How to buy the Sunshine Room described above, have you found the right choice method? If the method is right, you can choose the right Sunshine Room.