The Difference between Panpan and Buyang

The difference between Panpan and Buyang
1. Both of them are big brand enterprises in the door industry. As for anti-theft doors, the locks of Buyang anti-theft doors are relatively advanced. Now security lock of the standard anti-theft locks in Beijing market are over B- level locks with 270 minutes of anti-theft technology, because the main anti-theft performance of the anti-theft door depends on the upper lock cylinder.
2. Another is that the materials used for door panels are different. Buyang mainly uses iron plates, which are lower than Panpan. Panpan uses galvanized steel plates, which are more beautiful in appearance and easier to clean and maintain, the quality assurance is higher and the price is higher.
3. Panpan is a northern enterprise and Buyang is a Southern enterprise. Buyers should also consider their own location. Of course, it is better for northern users to choose Panpan. After all, in the north, the after-sales service will definitely have advantages over southern enterprises in terms of product design or market share. Of course, users in the South should choose Buyang, not only thinking about service, but also considering which door is more durable for the climate in the South.
4. Panpan focuses on indoor wooden doors, and Buyang focuses on family doors, mainly on anti-theft security.