Sliding Window What Should I Do If the Seal Is Not Tight

Sliding window is also a common window in the category of home decoration doors and windows, but its sealing performance has always been one of the topics discussed. In fact, sliding window has many advantages, such as flexible opening, cleaning, long service life, wide vision and other characteristics. Although its sealing performance is really not as good as casement window, it is still quite cost-effective.


(Image Source: mayouwei doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

sliding window solutions to LAX sealing

then, what is the problem caused by the lax sealing of sliding window? We can start from the following aspects:

first, check whether there is wool tops between the window frame and the window frame. Wool tops can greatly improve its sealing performance.

Second, check whether the sliding window is embedded structure, the embedded structure has good sealing performance, and the anti-theft function is greatly improved.

3. Look at the sliding window track. The track is not only related to waterproof, but also related to sealing performance. The high and low tracks with large drop have higher sealing performance.

4. Look at the gap between the sliding window window frames. There should be no excessive gap, which will lead to air leakage.


(Image Source: mayouwei doors and windows official website, invasion and deletion)

sliding window whether the sealing is good or not depends on the quality

sliding window the price and brand of the product determine the quality. The price of the local product can be 300 yuan to 400 yuan per square meter, and the brand product can sell 600 to 1500 yuan per square meter. Therefore, sliding window should not only look at the price but ignore the quality.

Today, there is a popular science on how to deal with the lax sealing of sliding window. I hope you can make more comparisons when buying sliding window products. In addition, sliding window hardware is also very important. If you have the conditions, you can choose brand doors and windows, such as mayuwei doors and windows.