Hardware Products Association and Home Appliances Research Institute Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement

China Hardware Association and China Household Appliances Research Institute sign strategic cooperation agreement

on June 18, 2021, Zhang Dongli, chairman of China Hardware Association, and his party visited China Home Appliances Research Institute, and held talks with the Party secretary of the Institute, Gong Bin, president Liu Ting, vice president Ge Fengliang and other relevant responsible persons. The two sides exchanged views on topics such as cooperation in promoting the integration and development of hardware products and household appliances, and assisting in the holding of the "first national competition for innovative products and intelligent health solutions suitable for light industry.

(Image Source: water heating valve network, invasion and deletion)

both sides expressed that they should give full play to their advantages in technology-driven and industry-leading aspects, better serve the high-quality development of light industry, serve people's needs for a better life, and open a new bureau for the development of light industry in the 14th Five-Year Plan, find a new article.

(Image Source: water heating valve network, invasion and deletion)

after the talks, Su Anjian, the secretary general of the Association, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Wu Haitao, assistant president of the home appliance Institute, on behalf of both sides to carry out all-round cooperation on strengthening competitions, standards, testing, certification, evaluation, etc.

(Image Source: water heating valve network, invasion and deletion)

LV Jiying, Liu Runfeng, full-time vice chairman of China Hardware Association, Zhao Peng, deputy director of Applied Technology Research Institute of Home Appliance Institute, and Sun Peng, deputy general manager of Beijing zhonglight Productivity Promotion Center, participated in the activity.

(Article Source: water heating valve, invasion and deletion)