In the Era of Stock Houses, What Route Does the New Home Brand Take?

In the era of stock houses, what route does the new home brand take?

In the past three years, many new brands and sub-brands have emerged in the home furnishing industry. For example, ouboli, space and room, wood outside, A8 space, GE Jue, NOLA, etc. However, in the household industry 10-30 years ago, the naming of household brands is more like this: Sofia, BOLONI, Kanoa, disenburg, oupai, Weifa, etc.

What this article wants to discuss is: what are the new changes in the naming of new home brands? In the era of stock houses, what changes have been made to circle consumers? After the establishment of the new brand, continue the previous American marketing, or take the German and Japanese quality route?

(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)


comparison of new brand names of products and services in different industries

one or two years ago, at the right time of European-American wind and rain, Chinese people prefer to regard the cultural history, mountains, rivers, small town buildings, etc. of developed countries in Europe and America as the source and basis for the design creativity of home brands and product series.

More specifically, domestic consumers' psychology prefers European and American brands or European and American brand names, and everything in developed countries in Europe and America will be considered as beautiful, european and American products and designs are equivalent to good designs and products in consumers' minds. European and American naming is more suitable for the psychological needs of "good face" of household consumers.

At that time, the names of companies and brands in FMCG industry were also like this: Difaso, lafang, SOFTTO, ONI, bright makeup, etc.

However, in recent years, influenced and driven by the new national tide after 90 s and 00 s, the popularity of creative naming in forms such as Chinese style, dialect or traditional culture has increased, PERFECT DIARY, huaxizi, zhong Xue, Gao Xiaoxiao, etc.

In the Internet industry, the logic and starting point of company and brand naming are different from the beginning:

baidu (search for him QbAidu), Alibaba (and forty thieves), Didi (the sound of current pushing coil and horn vibration), Pinduoduo, ten yuan (affordable) group, amazon (North American **Big River), etc., are properly named after children Style, anime thinking, even the elderly and children, it is easy to remember them.

Under the influence of Internet language simplification and word-making movement, pet and animal names have also become the favorites of brands and company names, such as Sohu, Sogou, Tmall, Hupu, koala, etc.

At the same time, in order to create corporate culture and the need of publicity and dissemination, the nickname of Internet companies is more straightforward: NetEase is called "pig farm", Jingdong is called "Dog Factory", Tencent is "goose factory", xiaomi is a monkey farm, Sohu is a Fox factory, and so on.

Judging from the common cases in the industry, more household manufacturers adopt the method of taking advantage of the situation. Because the new brand has little popularity, with the help of well-known and familiar characters, animals, stories or music, consumers can quickly remember and recognize it through publicity and promotion.

From this perspective, one or two years ago, foreign celebrities, scenic spots, buildings, etc. were named fadio, Calia, Kanoa, etc. In recent years, they have been named close to pets, food, wine culture, etc, it's all a clever way.

There is no difference between good and bad in brand naming. Most people think that it is good to be able to remember, understand, catchy, and taste.

For insiders, brand naming is more about responding to the current and future consumer trends and opening up the fast lane into consumers' minds.

For the company's operation and Development, what really tests kung fu, strength and potential are products, delivery services and brand stories.

For example, three or 40 years ago, brands such as REJOICE, BBK, and Huawei's brand were named. They did not have the taste of European and American style, but the brand's influence was growing, more is to rely on innovation ability, constantly bring forth the new.


new home brand naming begins to appear differentiation


(Image Source: Compass Education-public number, invasion and deletion)

looking at the above high-definition new brand table, compared with the home brand names 20 to 30 years ago, we can see that the brand names are differentiated, but they conform to the current trend and trend of consumption circle and flow differentiation:

the **Category is named after new brands such as ouboli, gejue, and noyana, which continues the tonality and taste of Europe and America before.

The second category is M77, A8, RARA, NOLA, etc. It adopts the minimalist alphanumeric method, which is easy to remember and suitable for both home and abroad.

The third category is three Magpies, white magnolia, Delu, Wan Yi, etc., with folk culture and Chinese language charm, which suddenly narrows the distance between consumer groups that resonate with traditional culture and has stronger affinity.


in the era of stock houses, what changes have been made to circle consumers?

In Luo Zhenyu's New Year speech in 2019, he mentioned a viewpoint and prediction:

china's economy has reached the turning point of switching from elevator mode to rock climbing mode, that is, before 2018, the national economy and enterprises developed at a high speed, and the competition among enterprises was "hand speed", who snatches the incremental market quickly.

However, after 2019, China's GDP growth rate has become a single digit. The competition between enterprises now and in the future is "word of mouth and service". In the stock market, whose product power, the word-of-mouth service is more extreme and can attract and retain more fan consumer groups.

For home brands, whether they are offline in the past or offline in the future, brands are still the trust endorsement and hard currency of products and services in consumers' minds.

However, under the influence and drive of mobile Internet and e-commerce platform, larger sales volume and more affordable price are not the most influential factors in consumers' purchase, traditional home brands are no longer the most influential factor for consumers to buy.

In the scenario of traffic differentiation and consumption circle stratification, consumers no longer trust the publicity and promotion of home manufacturers.

They are more willing to listen to the full and reliable live broadcast and online red tape, because Weiya and others can support the trust endorsement of extreme products, prices and services.

They are more willing to pay for innovative products and services. The original online patchwork or plagiarism strategy of traditional home manufacturers is becoming more and more difficult to do in the scene of simultaneous release online.

In addition, there are many hardcover real estate commodity brands, such as modern architecture and beauty, which follow the IKEA Home route. On the benchmark line of environmental protection and quality control, they tend to give priority to cost and realize money quickly.

This is like Tmall and Pinduoduo. Some people choose quality and some choose cheap.


after the establishment of the new brand, continue the previous American marketing, or take the German and Japanese quality route?

Enterprise is the enterprise of the times, ten years a time.

From the past to the present 100 or 200 years, Japanese and German enterprises have the longest operating years, and their products are more brilliant. American companies are the most capable of telling stories and dreams, create momentum for brands and products.

For example, Japan has Dongtao, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Toyota, etc., Germany has Siemens, BASF, Adidas, etc., specializing in product power improvement and micro-innovation.

Japan and Germany advocate the product as the King and the concept of continuous operation. They are later created and earn public praise.

In the United States, Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, Google Inc., etc. have strong innovation and profitability. In my opinion, iPhone products are easily damaged by external forces, Tesla's safety factor is poor, and Microsoft Office software is not more convenient than Kingsoft Office, GM is really not as good as Toyota, which is durable and fuel-efficient. After a round of inventory, American goods are very "cheating", just like the dollar pit the world, however, American companies and brands not only lead the current development of science and technology, but also are good at making the best use of the situation and investing in consumers.

American brands and products are highly praised for brand packaging and leading fashion, making more money and faster.

Germany, Japan and the United States have two different corporate cultures and values, bringing completely different brand growth paths and brand story presentation methods.

At present, the growth and development path of the existing home head brands, the author feels that they tend to be American-style brands and products, and have won the first place in the original incremental market.

If it is due to marketing inertia, its new brand will not rule out the continuation of the previous American-style marketing model.

At the same time, there are also some brands and products (including new brands), which practice the Seiko quality route of German and Japanese. In the next stock market competition, what are the chances of coming later?

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