A8 Space National Operators Summit and Training Conference Grand Opening

A8 Space national operators summit and training conference Grand Opening

on June 18, 2021, "A8 space minimalist customization national operator summit and training conference" with the theme of "gathering potential to create change and win-win future" was grandly opened in Jinyun fragrant Hotel, Lishui city, Zhejiang province.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

the first day of the summit was hosted by Zhang Tao, a member of A8 space think tank and a senior home self-media person.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

A8 space think tank member Zhang Tao

from birth to growth, China's custom home has run the fastest speed in China for 15 years.

In the rapid development of customized home, a group of more differentiated "high-definition" brands stand out, and A8 space is one of them.

After 28 years of precipitation and 8 years of brewing, A8 space was born in 2018;

with profound accumulation and inside information, A8 space has become a dark horse in the industry and has become the first camp of Gaoding Wood brand.

Ma Minjie, the founder of A8 space brand, gave a welcome speech and delivered a keynote speech "drive on the fast lane and walk far away.

From the three chapters of "What is Gao Ding, how to do Gao Ding and how to go to A8 space", this paper makes an objective, calm and rational analysis of the industry and itself, it clearly expounds the future development plan of A8 space.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

A8 space brand founder-Ma Minjie

ma Minjie gave the definition of high definition with "two standards and two definitions"-"component standardization, process standardization, color customization and size Customization.

That is, to achieve high quality products and delivery services through component standardization and process standardization;

through color customization and size customization, it can meet the personalized aesthetic needs of high-end improved users "built for me;

at the same time, it meets the requirements of different room types, just like a high-definition suit, which must be tailored and extremely fit.

He believes that Gao Ding is completely different from ordinary customization and traffic customization, and cannot copy the operation mode of traffic customization. Instead, the back-end after-sales service and delivery must be placed in the first important position, when you can do the back-end landing service well, the front-end customer acquisition and conversion must not be a problem.

The A8 space minimalist customization is recognized and sought after by the industry precisely because of its relatively good products, relatively strong landing and relatively excellent service.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

in 2020, under the double pressure of the epidemic at home and abroad, A8 space achieved a 30.6% growth.

In 2021, A8 space put forward the control growth target of "guaranteeing 30%, competing for 40%, and controlling within 50%", but by May, it still achieved an increase of 78%.

At the same time, A8 space's reputation in the industry has been rising steadily. Telephone calls, door-to-door consultation, joining and agency operators are in constant stream. In the absence of very active investment promotion, by May this year, the investment target set for the whole year has been completed in advance.

The reason why growth should be controlled is based on a clear judgment of market development and a clear understanding of its own conditions.

Ma Minjie believes that too rapid growth often implies many irrational impulses and hides invisible resource consumption and risks of operation and management, for A8 space, which is in the critical period of transformation and development, it means the ultimate challenge to supply chain system, production system and operation service system.

Therefore, A8 space must keep enough alert, not be excited and confused by the bright growth data, control its own growth rhythm, and avoid overdrawing resources and capabilities.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

in the future, A8 space will start from three aspects of "strategy, organization and team" to achieve more stable long-term development with the improvement of system capability.


top-level design and development strategy planning based on long-term valuism


the machine takes customers as the center, optimizes the organization around customers, optimizes the process, and improves the response ability of the enterprise's overall system to the market.


the introduction of competition elimination mechanism requires continuous fresh blood input, and realizes excellent merchants while expanding the sales operation network.

What is Youshang?

Ma Minjie proposed four basic standards.

First of all, we should be in awe of the industry, fully estimate the difficulties, and make a high determination. It is not the thing that can earn money when you come in and lie down, and you can return to the capital when you put it in.

Second, we must have positive energy, and be willing to understand each other, understand each other, and be tolerant. Because doing high-definition landing services cannot be separated from the full cooperation of various departments at the front and back, and there is no positive energy, unable to form tacit understanding and communicate well.

Third, the service ability should be strong, and considerable energy and effort should be devoted to cultivating teams and building systems and abilities.

Fourth, the order should be more, the order quantity should be stable, the single value should be high, the after-sales processing ability should be strong, and the performance and results should be able to speak.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

in the face of explosive orders and a steady stream of new operators and terminals across the country, A8 space will not only carry out technical transformation of the existing production line, but also invest more than 100 million yuan to expand the 60000 square meters new production base in East China, introduce more flexible and sophisticated equipment to greatly improve production capacity, efficiency and product quality.

The new production base will be divided into workshops to produce products of different craft categories and series such as veneer, log, metallic paint, mixed oil, plate, leather, silk, etc., which are self-unified and operated independently, it can blend with each other and get through in an all-round way.

At the same time, it will acquire a part of reliable factories, absorb outstanding senior executives and excellent operators to take shares, and jointly create high-definition products of all products and reliable landing.

Ma Minjie said that A8 space will continue to adhere to the value of "being a reliable person and doing reliable things", with the attitude and ingenuity of "not being extreme, it takes solving the demands of partners as its own duty, ensuring the stability and safety of the delivery landing system, and establishing and perfecting a long-term mechanism so that partners across the country can fight at ease in the market.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

over the past three years of brand operation, A8 space has always taken "products and services" as its soul and practiced a unique road of brand development.

With the continuous development and expansion of the company and the market network, A8 space is continuously strengthening its investment in brand building.

In 2021, we launched all-round cooperation with CCTV brand power. At the summit, teacher Yang Zi, the host of CCTV, delivered an enthusiastic speech.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

CCTV host-Yang Zi

ma Minjie, founder of A8 space brand, signed a cooperation agreement with Yu hangting, Zhejiang operation center of brand power demonstration project, producer.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

in 2020, "Gao Ding" blew up, blowing a pool of spring water in the customized industry.

Up to now, all kinds of discussions and even arguments about "high definition" are still heard.

Whether it is as a breakthrough of cross-border or the direction of transformation and upgrading, Gao Ding is becoming a necessary battlefield for many brands.

Today we talk about Gao Ding, what changes have taken place in context?

Gao Ding, where on earth are you going?

Wu Qingyang, co-founder of China Gaoding Club and consultant lecturer of China University of Forestry and Technology, brought you a keynote speech called "Gaoding era, Reconstructing value.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

co-founder of China Gaoding club-Wu Qingyang

from the perspective of life style, he analyzed the rise of "Gao Ding", analyzed the product characteristics and faction classification of current domestic and foreign high Ding brands, and analyzed the basic product form, the evolution and development of spatial form are deeply analyzed and interpreted.

He believes that different genes and good points of enterprises, different attributes of big businesses and different regions of enterprises lead to different cultural deposits and different blood flowing in the bones of founders of enterprises, it determines that every high-definition brand today has its own attributes. In the era of high homogenization, how to present great differences under homogenization is a problem that every enterprise should consider.

The fashion space of young fashion customization and the advanced diversified composite scene exclusive to the mansion will become the future development trend of high-definition products.

In the future, we should continue to create a sense of advanced products, create a sense of service ceremony, and provide whole case design and product solutions in terms of service methods;

in terms of market positioning, we should be able to provide brand-new home lifestyle solutions based on different consumer groups, and gather in high-end home improvement designers in terms of channel positioning.

In addition to the strategic interpretation of industry trends, "President Wu" has brought a practical lesson of "how to deal with big customers" to everyone with his own personal experience and experience.

From the aspects of "continuously creating a sense of ritual of service", "cultivating the user thinking of practitioners", "breaking through the marketing boundaries-the five rules of designer transactions" and so on, with vivid case stories one by one, it tells how to go to products, life and users, continuously cultivate and improve users' thinking, and establish trust and stickiness with customers.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

on the first day of the summit, the most grounded sharing came from Wang Haigang, founder and general manager of Henan Ganglian home, Zhengzhou operator of A8 space.

In the same identity as all operators, he appeared to say that from the service provider's self-positioning, organizational structure setting, staffing, service process, service standards, channel marketing, in terms of corporate culture and team cultivation, we shared the growth path of a high-definition business, which made all participating operators not only see their own shadow, but also realize their own shortcomings.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

A8 space Zhengzhou operator-Wang Haigang, founder and general manager of Henan Ganglian home

zhang Tao, a member of A8 space think tank and a senior household owner, and Shanghai operator Yang Chuanju, Yantai operator Jing-Chun Zhao, Hengyang operator Ouyang Zhaohua, Yongkang operator Hu Wensheng, and Quanzhou operator Fu Zhenli are currently operating in the high-definition market, launch a vivid dialogue of "The acquisition and confusion of high-definition market.

Based on their own experiences and the stories of their relationship with A8 space, they summarized the different characteristics of different markets and shared their experiences and insights in market operation, make a pertinent analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of A8 space brand, and put forward opinions and suggestions.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

aesthetic awakening, lifestyle upgrade...... All this cannot be done without design.

Design makes life better; Design is becoming the first driving force for the development of the industry.

A8 space special design consultant, founder of hanmuhui, juerguo, together with his partner and Italian designer Riccardo Rubelli, brought the keynote speech "high-definition trends and full-Case Products".


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

A8 space special design consultant, founder of hanmuhui-juerguo

juerguo believes that the concept of healthy and environment-friendly in the post-epidemic era will definitely accelerate. Moreover, it will pursue a controlled life, bringing rational space and high-tech comfort.

The two designers interpreted the composition of high-definition space from international and domestic perspectives, from directions and trends, from products and spaces, from ideas to cases.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

A8 space Italian designer-Riccardo Rubelli

when A8 space is on the fast track of development, the demand for talents becomes more and more urgent.

To this end, Zhejiang Jiajia smart home Co., Ltd. signed school-enterprise cooperation agreements with Shanghai Foreign Studies University Xianda School of Economics and humanities, School of Art and Media, Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College, etc, take A8 space as a practical teaching base to cultivate all kinds of talents for A8 space orientation.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

school-enterprise signing ceremony

in the venue, all participants were fully absorbed. Outside the venue, the number of online live viewers reached 100000 + at the peak.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

family and partners gather together to enhance friendship and mutual learning;

the elites from all over the world gather together to make a broad statement and build consensus;

industry mogul helps to solve doubts and give JS advice.

A day of dry goods sharing, full of positive energy.

We should not only bury ourselves in pulling cars, but also look up at the road. Only by looking at the general direction of development can we win the high market.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

"A8 Space national operators summit and training conference" is still continuing and will end on the afternoon of June 21.

The four-day course is carried out from multiple dimensions such as development, transformation, breaking the situation and upgrading, bringing practical terminal operation methods to operators, helping operators to open up their minds and go steady and far!


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

A8 space whole wood customization

(Article Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)